It is with great regret that we advise we will not be able to make this weekend's farmers markets. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been actively searching for shop help but have been unsuccessful so far. We have placed a few more ads and are hopeful that those will produce some positive results. As it stands, it has just been Jeff and me creating product every week. Each week, we fall a little further behind. We feel that at this time, we are in a position where we are doing a disservice to you due to our limited stock. We have decided to take this week and do a complete reset so that we can better serve you for the rest of the market season. We realize this is not normal Mushyface standards, however, we are left with little options. We sincerely apologize again for any inconvenience and troubles we may be causing. We thank you for your continued understanding and look forward to seeing you all next weekend.