Every time I speak to Heaven, she speaks back to me in the sweetest most gentle voice. 💜 #horses #loveislove #horsesofinstagram #foreverhome #foreverhomeequinesanctuary #lovehorses #lovehorsesforever #horsespeak #horsetalking #horsesaremylife
Happy Little Haylo #happyhorses #havingfun #ponylove #happypony #lovehorses #HaveABlessedDay #love
Angel getting her daily pill for cushings disease. Cookies help the medicine go down! #ponylove #lovehorses #cookies #cookietime #cookiehidesthepill #DailyMeds #happypony
Update on Heaven;
We are still battling the swelling in her hind leg. (The heat and humidity isn’t helping).
She can move normally, bend her leg, bear full weight on it and it is no longer sensitive to touch. The swelling has gone down a lot but not completely.
I’m continuing to cold hose it and applying cooling liniment between the hosing. I’ve increased the water pressure now that she can tolerate it.
We are doing the walking at night to avoid the heat and flies.
Thank you for loving Heaven 💜
Drink lots of water today! 💦💜
Meals in front of the fan kind of day! #foreverhomeequinesanctuary #lovehorsesforever #allhorsesmatter #stayingcool #hotsummerday #love #summertime #relaxed #lunch #pony #ponylove #happy
#havingfun #havingfuntogether #horsesofinstagram #minihorses #sunnyday #running #lovehorsesforever #foreverhomeequinesanctuary #allhorsesmatter #beautifulday #love #summertime
When I was young and growing up, I didn’t dream of my wedding day in a big fancy venue, I didn’t dream of living in a big elaborate home, or traveling to exotic places, I didn’t dream of being a top executive in a Fortune 500 firm or being rich and famous… …no none of these things were in my mind, heart or soul…I had these little toy horses that I would scoop up and carry outside every day. Every single day. No matter the weather, in the rain, freezing temps, deep snow of winter or the sweltering heat of summer…every single day I carried those toy horses outside.I had a palomino, a black, a buckskin and an Appaloosa. I’d set them down into the little patch of land that I had appointed as THEIR land. I’d sat down beside them, smile, close my eyes….and dream. I dreamed of one day having real horses in my life……saving them from the horrors of neglect and abuse, learning to understand their silent language,letting them know they were safe nowand how much they mattered. I dreamed of giving horses all the love I held in my heart. When I was young, those toy horses were my world and I dreamed of one day having real horses in my life…Dreams do come true. 💜 #dreamsdocometrue #horsesofinstagram #loveislove #lovehorses #lovehorsesforever #foreverhomeequinesanctuary
It was veterinary day today at the sanctuary. Vaccinations, tests and checkups.
The horses were excellent and took the shots like troopers.
Haylo was a blast….she was perfect for the vet, didn’t even flinch. Then she wanted to climb right in Dr. Cat’s pocket! We both had to laugh at what a curious little girl who did not hold any grudge for being poked with needles.
Dr. Cat was very pleased with how she looks and her over all health. Haylo passed her vet exam with flying colors!
Heaven suddenly became lame last week. I had been conferring with Dr. Cat and following her recommendations on treatment until she could get here today.
Heaven improved greatly over the week but Dr. Cat has diagnosed her as having DSLD. (Degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis). This is a progressive condition that is not curable. All we can do is keep her comfortable as long as possible. Keeping her on soft footing helps which I’ve always done anyway.
We plan to put on her on a mild painkiller when the weather turns cold but she’s doing good enough now to not need it.
We will do everything possible to give this girl quality of life as long as we can.
Angel, who has cushings, is doing very good on just 1/4 prascend pill per day. She has shed out beautifully, stayed sound and still has good muscle tone. So we are keeping her at that dosage.
Ladybug who we all know is a chubby wubby, is on a very strict diet and exercise program and has been for many years. But that has not been affective weight wise.
We have tried many things including putting her on thyroid-L but even a low dose gave her uncontrollable tremors.
The good thing is she has stayed sound. (Knock knock on wood, don’t want to jinx her). Dr. Cat is very happy about this and says she’s got another 20 years!
This year she is not shedding out like she should so Dr. Cat took a sample of blood to test for cushings. We will have the results next week. If she has it, it’s early so that’s good.
Summer heat is here! #foreverhomeequinesanctuary #letthesunshineinyourheart #lovehorses #PassionForHorses #horsesaremylife #hotsummerday
The weekend is almost here! #weekend #celebration #celebrategoodtimes #havefun #horseshavingfun #kickupyourheels #horsesknowhowtohavefun #horsesanctuary #foreverhorses
Staying cool. #windblownhair #againstthewind #stayingcool #HOTDAYS #feelthebreeze #horsesofinstagram #horses #feelinggood #coolingoff #beatingthesummerheat #horsesanctuary