Dear The State of South Dakota,
Boy we sure have had an emotional rollercoaster together today haven’t we… 😵💫
First- The dopamine hit seeing the Sp*ed limit 80 sign ☺️.
#2-Remembering that I am now old and also too young at heart to handle 80mph responsibly. 🤣
Number B- the Relief of knowing there are rest stops ALL over, getting old is not for the Weak… of Bladder. (See what I did there? 🤣)
# next one- then to see such an amazing picture to help those poor souls to Open a Door. 😳🤣😔
Dang it, The State of South Dakota!!! I already had to p*e AND already ignored it for far too long!!
I get to the door and see this amusing sign and have to giggle to myself. 🙃
As I am giggling I thought “wow what have we come to that we have to make such an idiot proof sign for the very complicated act of door opening?”…… not that I mind because it is an amusing sticker and also Not to brag or anything but I have taken on a few doors in my 42 years, I feel confident in saying that I could be seen as Extremely Proficient in the skills of, Door Opening. Nay Nay, Master…. 👍
BUT IN THE SAME SECOND! I reached out to the left side of the door with the hinges and pushed - thus proving the sign is not as idiot proof as I once thought. 😖
BUT WAIT there is more- as I walk through the door feeling all kinds of ways about how the last 13 seconds had played out ON CAMERA, I felt redeemed because there was a second door!!! I have another chance to get this Door Opening thing.
Spoiler-I preceded to AGAIN open the second door incorrectly!! 🤪 my hand went to the left AGAIN! I have opened many doors successfully, The State of South Dakota! Today in fact I Opened Doors in various places and states. I promise I CAN in fact Open Doors without assistance. Today was just not that day it seems.. 🤷♀️
Feeling defeated, laughing so hard at myself and the poor choices made in such a short span of time with a full bladder, I did the only thing I could do, I danced The Ti**le Shuffle on to the potty room.
Well Played The State of South Dakota, Well Played 😜