Happy birthday Bertie!
Please help us wish Bertie a happy 3rd birthday! #willowriverdachshunds #wienerdog #
The Sleepy Weiner Collection.
#willowriverdachshunds #wienerdog#dachshund#dachshundpuppy#dachshundlove#doxielove
#willowriverdachshunds #doxie
Late night playtime 🐾#dachshundpuppy #dachshundlife #dachshundsofinstagram #dachshundoftheday_ #dachshundlovers #dachshundlove #dachshund #puppylove #wienerlove #willowriverdachshunds #doxielove
When the boys are in your way…you do what you gotta do. #willowriverdachshunds #dachshundpuppy #dachshundlover #dachshundlife #dachshundsofinstagram #dachshundoftheday_ #dachshundlovers #dachshundlove #dachshund #wienerlove
The puppies were very active today! Mama is tuckered out😴 #willowriverdachshunds #wienerlove #puppylove #dachshundlife #dachshundpuppy #dachshundsofinstagram
Puppy kisses 🐾♥️ #willowriverdachshunds #wienerlove #puppylove #dachshundsofinstagram #dachshundlife #dachshundlover #dachshundpuppy
#sweetpotatoes #willowriverdachshunds #dachshundlife #dachshundpuppy #dachshundlovers #doxielove #dachshundsofinstagram
Mama Daisy 🐾♥️ #willowriverdachshunds #dachshundpuppy #dachshundlover #dachshundlife #dachshundlovers #dachshundlove
I knew my dogs shared a special bond, but I never knew how much they respected each other until today.
Rocco and the girls were waiting so patiently out in the hallway while Daisy pumped those puppies out…pacing back and forth…I thought having stuffed cigars would be cute to have on hand at a time like this! (Next time!)
There was quite a bit of time in between puppy 2 and 3, so I invited Bertie and Greta in to see the puppies. They both came to the whelping box where I sat, and each of them began to shake, and would not turn their head to look in where Daisy lay with her new babies.
I couldn’t figure it out at first and then it dawned on me. She didn’t invite them in… I did. The girls were respecting Daisy and her privacy with her new babies. We have a bed at the entrance to the door so they can lay and watch from a distance until Daisy is ready to invite them in.🐾♥️
Dogs are incredible creatures.
#willowriverdachshunds #dachshundpuppy #dachshundlover #dachshundlife #dachshundsofinstagram #dachshundlovers #dachshundlove
The weens have new friends! They sit at the back door and watch all night! It took weeks to get a video of the little buggers! They’re actually pretty friendly! #flyingsquirrel #dachshundpuppy #dachshundlover #dachshundlife #dachshundoftheday #willowriverdachshunds #doxielove