Good Morning...
Some housekeeping items that need reminding apparently.
If you are a smoker, that is your right. However there is NO smoking on this property near and around our kennel and livestock animals. I have found cigarette butts in our parking area and not only is it a health hazard to me (and its gross) but they are toxic to animals. Absolutely do not dispose of your butts or any garbage for that matter in / on our property. This is a deal breaker rule for us, if we catch you doing it ( we also have camera's) you will be asked to collect your dog and leave.
Our hours are very clear, if you show up before we open, without prior arraignments, you are asked to sit in your vehicle and not wander around our property. Yes this is a business, but it is also our home. We exercise and care for our dogs and other animals while closed, please be respectful.
That we are experiencing a really weird winter goes without saying. It has destroyed all grass in the play yards therefor we have mud, A LOT of it. We try to be cognizant of that and pull dogs prior to pick up but they will most likely get dirty.
Yes for all of those people who keep asking, The Barn is heated. It stays at an average of 67-74 degrees. We live in Vermont, we thought heat goes without saying but here we are.
Please don't make us chase your for paperwork. You know you have a reservation, you know we require fecals (including Giardia) every 6 months and updated vaccines annually. You have 1-3 dogs, We have over 50 ish a week.
We appreciate each and everyone one of you and the trust you have for us to care for your dogs.
Thank you.