Cashew loves her new big sister and Gypsy just adores Cashew and cries for her when I take her for feedings. 🥰
Gypsy got a new pair of shoes
Gypsy is quite the little tap dancer in her new shoes! She can balance so much better with her shoes on. This girl is amazing!🤩
Casper and Boo update
This afternoon I received the best update! Most of you will remember Casper and Boo, the 2 geese that were dumped in Plymouth last October. Casper had horrific injuries from a predator attack and once healed we found the best possible adoptive Mom for them. Today, Boo laid an egg confirming her gender which is the best ratio we could ask for since she had another female already. Casper is very protective of both girls as is his job and they’re looking forward to welcoming goslings in the spring.
Too cold for the pool for these crippled ducks but just right for a tubby
Meet Lulu
Lulu just arrived this afternoon as a transfer from another sanctuary in CT. Lulu has severe scoliosis and neurological issues and needed a new place where she can have other duck friends. She’ll be in a separate pen within our duck enclosure for a few days while the other 5 ducks here safely meet her then they’ll be physically introduced with close supervision. Lulu is a petite little girl and with her issues we want to keep her safe. We’re happy to welcome little Lulu to our crew of misfits❤️
Our ever growing Skyler quickly outgrew his beloved travel baby swing. So once again I had to get creative. I found Eden’s old glider chair in the basement and started cutting ✂️. With leg holes and a tail opening Skyler looks way more comfy in this than any of his other slings or seats! And he seems to love the gliding even more than the swinging. When he gets tired of gliding we can take the whole seat off the base and he has a bouncy seat too!
Trinket introducing herself to Gidget.. poor little girl just wants a friend
Eden is here for a bit to help entertain Gidget
Skyler doesn’t have much mobility but he craves motion. He is happiest being rocked or pushed in his stroller. Today I bought him a used baby swing and he is so content! I need to work on his positioning a bit to make him more comfortable but he loves it!
Morning update .. no words needed
Not everyone’s happy place but it’s Willy’s