To all our Chessie family & friends,
The planning has begun for the 14th Annual ACC Supported Entry at the prestigious Trenton Kennel Club Show on Sunday May 4, 2025, part of a 3-day cluster with Bucks Kennel Club joining us again on Saturday!
As one of the largest outdoor shows on the East Coast at a beautiful park in West Windsor, NJ it pulls a great exhibitor and spectator crowd. We usually have majors in dogs/bitches and it's always a great way to spend a lovely spring day w/your Chesapeake friends and family.
In addition to all the regular classes, we will have a puppy & veteran sweepstakes and non-regular classes for our veterans and working retrievers. The show also boasts the 4–6-month puppy competition, owner-handler series, multiple FCATs, and possibly adding Fetch Tests again this year! As in years past, we plan to have a reserved picnic area to host our potluck lunch. Judges for the supported entry are Jane Pappler (Sweeps) and David Kittredge (Breed & Group).
Please consider making a trophy donation to support this gathering; all donations received by March 1st will be acknowledged in the show catalog and our supported entry FB page. Online donations can be made on the ACC website (link below). Checks may be mailed / payable to trophy chair Marty Smith (please send PM for mailing address, PayPal or Zelle options).
https://amchessieclub.org/donate/ #!form/Donations/6555367d5e21b39c650a5a4c
In the meantime, please Save the Date of May 4, 2025 and plan to join us on the beautiful grounds of Mercer County Park in West Windsor, NJ for a fun-filled day shared with Chessie family and friends. Until then, we wish you and your family, both 2 and 4-legged, a very Happy New Year!
Many thanks,
Stacy George (Chair) and Marty Smith (Trophy/Co-Chair)