Another video with Memphis Lightning playing Alex Lopez' Blues shoes cbg at the Swick in OOB.
A beer bottle and a 2x4! Who knew.. Memphis Lightning having some fun
Lightning with the "Blues Shoes" cbg
Memphis Lightning picking up Alex Lopez' new cbg... and giving it its trial run.
the 2x4 guitar
The next video of the "one offs".This is the Stick... made from a 2x4 with vintage teisco Mij pups and bridge, played here by the one and only Fat Knuckle Freddy .
Fat Knuckle Freddy with the Goalie stick guitar
FKF rips into playing a guitar made from an old goalie stick. The first of a series of videos of the "one off's from my prior post.
So recently went and saw the Lightning Xpress tour hell of a show. There was a Marilyn sighting as the only cbg on stage. So here's Memphis Lightning The Guitar Man with Alex Lopez. (more on him later)
The pitch fork git with Fat Knuckle Freddy at Amigos.
Not a cbg but...its my page so i make the rules here. I have this old 69 mustang and it doesnt make it out much so I jumped at the opportunity to get it in Lightning 's hands while he was traveling light. Plus ive got a few cbg versions the Surf Medley already posted. This one was great how many snippets can you count?
Got many great videos... Here we have Fat Knuckle Freddy with one of the hybrids I have of grown fond of making. A Cigar box put into an old Harmony just came out so well...its powered by one of the Gitty mini humbuckers and as you can hear sounds really great.
On the other end we had Memphis Lightning closing with a song from the porch naturally. Lightning playing one of the only two 6 string cbgs I've made.
So we started the Madness on Maple with some drizzle and my only shovel build to date... in its owners hands Fat Knuckle Freddy ... Al, Tim, and dancer Jill with a great start to the day.
Here's another test run with Fat Knuckle Freddy, this of a repurposed 60"s Orpheus guitar, this was a fun one to make. Come out and hear it @ amigos friday.