Post Clipping Alopecia or PCA is defined as loss of proper coat growth due to clipping/shaving with clippers. There are a few things you need to know regarding PCA.
1. Who is most at risk of PCA? Fur bearing breeds are extremely susceptible to PCA. This includes any breed whose coat grows to a genetically predetermined length and stops. Nordic breeds are even more prone to PCA. Geriatrics, even those with hair, are also very susceptible to PCA.
2. What causes PCA? There is no definitive answer at this point, but there are two scientific theories from recent research. The first has to do with vasoconstriction of the blood vessels in the skin. When the coat is shaved, even in warm weather, the skin reacts by constricting blood vessels that feed the follicles in the skin. Once these vessels constrict the follicles no longer proliferate leading to PCA.
The second theory has to do with the growth cycle. When the coat is shaved, the growth cycle becomes disrupted due to the skin sealing itself with oils from sebaceous and apocrine glands. This traps clipped hairs beneath the epidermis preventing them from shedding out leading to improper growth as well as skin diseases.
3. PCA is unpredictable. There is no way to tell if a particular canine will acquire PCA if you shave. Often there is no issue, but on the third or fifth or even the tenth time, it can happen.
4. Are there actual health risks posed by PCA? The short answer is yes. Again, diseases such as Alopecia X, Black Skin Disease, Furunculosis, and other skin diseases often accompany PCA.
Once the coat has been clipped, the body now strains to properly regulate body temperature. Because dogs do not sweat, a properly maintained coat keeps a canine both cool and warm. This strain to cool the body puts a strain on internal organs.
5. Can there be other causes? Yes. Heath problems such as Diabetes, Cushing's diseases, and Addison's disease should be ruled out. Pets who are known to have these health problems should not be shaved if at all possible.
6. Do felines get PCA? The short answer here is yes. While there is minimal research for canines there is even less for felines. Hair coated breeds such as Persians, Himalayans and others are not affected as often as true fur bearing breeds. While felines seem to be less affected by PCA than canines it can happen.
While there are situations such as severely matted or pelted coats that must be shaved for health health purposes, shaving because you think a pet is hot or shedding too much is simply not in the best interest of the pet. A professional groomers responsibility extends to protecting and promoting a healthy coat. A properly maintained coat will help regulate body temperature and prevent shedding.
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