Today is the first day of whoever I am now… the girl who woke yesterday, will never be the same… -the gifts and lessons this dog left me, were more than any human…
For all the people this dog left their mark on,…. You were lucky to have met her… but the blessing of her soul, was mine.
Thank you to all those who have loved and supported us, for the last decade, but especially this last two weeks…
If you or your dog has been helped my me, then you too can thank azzura for that. She taught me everything I know.
Thank you girl- for saving me from myself.
I love you so 🌈💔💔💔💔
Please understand - I’m going to need a minute. I’ll be ok, but half my heart and a piece of my soul went to sleep…
Olympians Azzura Pietra -
4/13/14 -1/12/25
until we meet again my girl- I know you’ll be there looking for me