Here's Camo & his Mom doing a very simple exercise anyone can do! Before you play with you dog, just ask for a simple behavior, then play! This helps you practice basic commands, make those commands fun, and use reinforcers other than food. Teaching your dog to "get on the grass" is a useful command that may help keep them safe (out of the street).
Clients often ask me, "What do I do when she pulls?" When the real question should be "What do I do when she walks with a loose leash?" And the answer is...... reinforce it!
Animals repeat behaviors that are reinforced. So reinforcing Loose Leash walking makes it more likely the dog will repeat that behavior and less likely they will pull. A great way to teach the loose leash walk is by CAPTURING it: waiting patiently for the dog to do it themselves and them reinforcing it. Watch a beautiful execution of that method.
13 week old Harley doing a perfect recall with distractions- near the dog park.
This cutie-pie is Kirby, a chihuahua mix. Kirby is reactive to new people and barked at me non stop the first time I entered his home. We discovered he was less reactive and more easily re-directed outside where he had space to move and create distance. It's important for strangers to NOT walk up to him and try to pet his head. Here I am role-playing with Kirby's mom so she can direct strangers how to stand still and put their hand out and out for Kirby to "touch" only IF he wishes to greet. You can see he's still a little bit conflicted in this video.
I'm excited to start working with new clients Dan, Nicole & their dog Beau. Here's Dan practicing the cues we covered in lesson #1.