Twist Sena, a 6 year old Male Castrated Jack Russell Terrier, was taken to Black River Veterinary Hospital when spinal radiographs were performed and were unremarkable. He was referred to our Neurology service for further neurological evaluation.
A neurological exam revealed a lateral recumbent dog who couldn't sit up or stand, was non- ambulatory with severe tetra-paresis (weakness of all four limbs) and was knuckling all four limbs.
The neurological deficits were consistent with a cervical spinal cord problem (cervical myelopathy) and spinal MRI was performed. Findings of the MRI were consistent with a severe acute spinal cord injury involving the left side of the spinal cord dorsal to the C3-C4 disc space secondary to an acute traumatic explosive or concussive type disc.
He was diagnosed with an acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion (ANNPE). ANNPE is a specific type of intervertebral disc problem that is also known as a ‘high-velocity low volume’ disc extrusion. It occurs secondary to excessive force being placed on a normal disc. Treatment of ANNPE includes physical therapy, pain relief, anti-inflammatory medications (such as steroids), and supportive care with urinary bladder expression as needed. Surgery was not needed as there was no significant spinal cord compression.
Twist was treated and gradually improved and regained his ability to stand walk and even run and play.
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At the end of a busy day, Dr. Boaz Levitin, one of our neurologists, blows off some steam by showing the team his juggling prowess.
Here at Eclipse, we are committed to providing exceptional care to our patients and our clients but at the same time, having a little fun to support our team members.