I have been a part of dog obedience classes for the past 15 years. I have trained multiple dogs and have competed at shows across the state. I love training my dogs and enjoy the relationship I build with them. Now that I am in college, I still work with my dogs along with teaching and judging obedience classes. I currently have two chocolate labs, Lew and Josie. These two dogs have been a joy to
train and work with and have been loyal companions and members of our family. I chose to breed Lew and Josie because they both impressed me with their intelligence, enthusiasm, and confidence. They are well bred dogs with good confirmation and athleticism. Their third litter was born on May 7th 2019. Our puppies have respected pedigrees. They will be socialized with Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) training. (http://www.gsphouse.com/earlyneurologicalstimulation.html). They will have their dewclaws removed, first shots, and a completed health record. Feel free to message or email me with questions. I will be posting pictures periodically of the individual puppies. These puppies are very special to me and I would love for one of them to come home to your family! If you are interested in a puppy please contact me through email or message for an application.