The Dollar Club, helping animals one dollar at a time

The Dollar Club, helping animals one dollar at a time We fundraise to help animals needing emergency vet care & help colonies with food in emergencies. All animals in your household must be spayed/neutered. P.O.

Many people want to help animals but most cannot afford to contribute a large amount of money to several different needy animals. With this new concept, we have found a way for everyone to help for one single dollar bill. Here is how it works:

When we come upon an animal needing emergency vet care we post the story on our page and our website. We usually grant $100 instantly and then pos

t it on our Facebook and our web-page in the hopes our fans and friends will send more donations in. We include the treating vet phone number, our mailing address and paypal account for the animal in need so you can donate directly any of those ways. Many people donate directly to us and that is how we can grant $100 instantly. But if you prefer, you can donate directly to each animal as you see fit. YOU get to feel GREAT for being a part of saving that animals life for one small dollar! We are now a 501c3 registered non-profit charitable organization

To donate to us directly:

PayPal: [email protected]
CashApp: $RamonaRuhf

The Dollar Club
P.O. Box 535
Whitehall, Pa 18052

Requesting assistance

Please read the entire page:

We help fund raise for emergency life or death situations. If you are asking for help, you must include a complete description of the emergency, THE VETERINARIANS OFFICE AND PHONE NUMBER, a photo of the animal and the link to your fundraising site (if you have one). You must supply proof that you applied for CareCredit or Scratch Pay. You must have a PUBLIC post on your own personal page asking family and friends for help. For cat colonies in dire need of food, you must supply the name and mailing address of the recipient. Please also include the type of food being fed. If you are requesting help for someone else, you must include everything stated above. DO NOT just send a link to a facebook plea without the contact information of the person or group needing the help. We do not fund routine care. We do not help pay off bills that have already been incurred. We do not fund cancer treatments, tumors, spay/neuter or FIP treatments. (We just get too many requests for those and we are not a big enough group to assist with those). We usually only grant small amounts like $100 (or more based on how much we have in our account at the time). We hope others will send more to add to the donation. Our main focus is to get the animal in to see the vet for emergency life/death situations. We can often try to raise more and we will ask our donors for additional help if need be. Donations MUST be made directly to your vet providing the care. NO EXCEPTIONS. PM us the information required through this page. DO NOT request assistance on this post it is not monitored. Remember, the more donations we receive the more animals we can help. It is our hope that the people and groups that we help, donate back to us. We only ask for $1.00. Box 535 Whitehall, Pa 18052
paypal: [email protected]
E-mail to: [email protected]
CashApp: $RamonaRuhf

Update on Esmo

Update on Esmo


Lexi update:

Cole’s Kitty City Cat Sanctuary
Lexi update! Her bloodwork and urinalysis came back showing she is hyperthyroid and has a UTI! She is being treated for both and has a dental scheduled in two weeks. Poor girl probably never received any dental care and she’s got a few gnarly teeth that need to come out. Despite being dumped at the shelter she is such an incredible lovebug! We are so glad we have the opportunity to help her.


Update on Lexi:

Cole’s Kitty City Cat Sanctuary
Lexi update! Her bloodwork and urinalysis came back showing she is hyperthyroid and has a UTI! She is being treated for both and has a dental scheduled in two weeks. Poor girl probably never received any dental care and she’s got a few gnarly teeth that need to come out. Despite being dumped at the shelter she is such an incredible lovebug! We are so glad we have the opportunity to help her.


Another Harry update:

Hi, we took him back to the vet. He was admitted overnight for observation but is doing ok. They inserted a drainage tube temporarily since the wound area had a small hematoma. Again, I'm not sure what caused the injury, but I'm hoping he recovers soon.

It's that time of year, so outgoes this reminder again. And please, can we get lots of interaction on this post

It's that time of year, so outgoes this reminder again. And please, can we get lots of interaction on this post

Lilies very poisonous to pets!

A new feature for this warm saturday. I am making an exception on this case and I hope you don't mind. It is for a FIP k...

A new feature for this warm saturday. I am making an exception on this case and I hope you don't mind. It is for a FIP kitty which we do not donate for usually. The reason I am making an exception is this is for a group I am well familiar with. They have taken cats for me before when I had no where to go with them. They have also donated a huge amount of food to us when our colony cats needed it. So I could not say no. They do so much and are at their wits end with things

2-28-25 Esme

Animal Care Associates Scranton, PA is asking for donations.At this point my heart is in pieces and I can’t take anymore hits. Please adopt, foster, donate, volunteer… consider contributing for $5 friday. The beginning of 2025 has been brutal financially for us. Costs rising for everything across the board are limiting who and how we can help. We had several extreme expenses already this year. Yesterday was the hardest blow of all to me. Esmo has been with us along with her brother Willard since they were kittens. They were bonded and not very social. They each have some medical issues. Their mother Esmerelda was adopted & has an amazing family.She lost a lot of weight, was uninterested in food, became dehydrated & was hiding… clearly not feeling well. We began supportive care at home and it wasn’t helping. She was seen and diagnosed yesterday with FIP. If your jaw dropped in disbelief, don’t worry, so did mine. I wouldn’t have believed it without seeing the fluid pulled myself. No, FIP itself is NOT contagious. This is just beyond bizarre of the amount of cases we’re currently managing. Between Esmo & Fluffer Nutter we need a few thousand dollars to cover all of the medication they need for their 84 days of treatment as well as their follow up testing and medical care. That’s not to mention anything else that may come our way and other expenses for regular daily care, annuals needed, etc. We need your love and support NOW more than ever. Please participate and spread word for as many of our fundraisers as possible. You’re literally helping us to save lives. Application, Donation links, Available kitties👉

The Dollar Club paypal: for esmei
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 for esme
Zelle: [email protected] for esme
Cash App: $RamonaRuhf for esme
Venmo: -Ruhf for esme


Update on Lexi

Cole’s Kitty City Cat Sanctuary
Lexi update! Her bloodwork and urinalysis came back showing she is hyperthyroid and has a UTI! She is being treated for both and has a dental scheduled in two weeks. Poor girl probably never received any dental care and she’s got a few gnarly teeth that need to come out. Despite being dumped at the shelter she is such an incredible lovebug! We are so glad we have the opportunity to help her.

Hi and happy Friday to all. I have a new case to feature and it was actually from yesterday but I didn't get it posted u...

Hi and happy Friday to all. I have a new case to feature and it was actually from yesterday but I didn't get it posted until now:

2-28-25 Lexi Senior kitty dumped for euthanasia

‼️‼️SENIOR ALERT‼️‼️ Meet Lexi. This darling 18 year old girl was turned in to animal control because her owner couldn’t afford her vet care. The owner dropped her off with the intention of CCAS euthanizing her! Luckily that didn’t happen and she’s available for rescue or adoption. We are unsure what medical issues she may have but given her age there’s no doubt she’s got something going on. At minimum she will need senior panel bloodwork.

Vet: Town & Country West 770-528-6363 for Lexi under Leighanne Maluchnik
The Dollar Club paypal: for Lexi
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 for Lexi
Zelle: [email protected] for Lexi
Cash App: $RamonaRuhf for Lexi
Venmo: -Ruhf for Lexi


Sienna Update
She seemed to be responding well to her medicine yesterday, much more alert and ate a tiny bit, but she's now having trouble with her back legs and drags them behind her she has an appointment with her primary tomorrow morning and we're waiting on a call from Metro today to talk about her legs. NEW UPDATE: Hello! I just wanted to give an update on Sienna. We're at Metro again now, she's declining rapidly and is now critical. At this point our options are either a blood transfusion and hospitalization, or euthanasia.

We sent an additional cage to Wabash County Shelter for the hoarder case

Update on Orange Tabby
(Nehi). this guy had a second surgery today. Bladder is corrected. He had 12 nasty infected teeth removed. He is no longer blocked. He now needs time to recover. Please share his story. Donate if at all possible. His vet bill today was almost $2000.

Harry update:
They said it was an injury that was healing. They cleaned it and gave him an injection. He was also neutered since he was under. I'll be taking him back for an xray.

Happy dreary thursday. I have a new case for today and another following it later:2-27-25 Colony needs foodHi, hope you ...

Happy dreary thursday. I have a new case for today and another following it later:

2-27-25 Colony needs food

Hi, hope you are well. I thought I reach out as you helped me before with food we go again unfortunately. I am on a rescue at a local motel where any where 6-10 cats have been left behind and eating out of dumpsters. We already have shelter and feeding stations set up to TNR them and hopefully get them into homes but funding for soft food is tight. I already feed a colony 10 that costs me about $2500 a year to do, so I thought I ask if you had any extra soft food (which is what they mostly eat for trapping) or hard that you could donate? They eat the 9lives pate or friskies shreds. Any resources you have would be appreciated.Thank you 💜🐾😸

The Dollar Club paypal: for food
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 for food
Zelle: [email protected] for food
Cash App: $RamonaRuhf for food
Venmo: -Ruhf for food

Ramona - we hope you see this post. We received our second 3-tierd kennel today courtesy of your generosity. Honestly, it came at the perfect time because we are extremely limited on space right now and unfortunately Noelle was returned right before closing today. Because of you, we were able to provide her a nice place to chill, until we find her a home fit for her needs. From the bottom of our hearts and Noelle's, we thank you. 💕

A new a urgent case for today2-26-25  SIenna - very sick kitty Sienna is not quite 2 yrs old, spayed, and has a medical ...

A new a urgent case for today

2-26-25 SIenna - very sick kitty

Sienna is not quite 2 yrs old, spayed, and has a medical history of FHV. Last weekend (2/15) she started having what, at the time, seemed like a flare up, but throughout the week just was not herself--very lethargic, hardly any appetite, barely drinking water. I took her to UrgentVet Friday 2/21 where they took x-rays and said she was constipated so they gave her an e***a, anti-nausea medication, and topical pain management and sent us home with laxatives and appetite stimulants. Over the weekend she continued to decline, not eating, drinking, or using the litterbox and not moving for over 24 hours. I took her to the Veterinary Emergency Group in Philly on Sunday 2/23 and when they looked at the X-rays from Friday they said she's actually not constipated, but there's a suspicious area in her mid abdomen. They wanted to do new X-rays and blood work, but unfortunately I couldn't afford it and was denied for any payment plan options so they gave her fluids under her skin, an appetite stimulant, and sent us home with gabapentin and more appetite stimulants. As of today 2/25 she still has not eaten and will only continue to get worse unless we can figure out what's wrong and get the proper treatment plan in motion. I don't get paid until Friday, but I don't think she has that long at this point... I've used every last dime at the urgent vet and emergency vet over the weekend and can't afford anything else but without immediate care I'm afraid she's not going to make it. UPDATE: Update: Her red blood cell count is only 14%. It should be about 35%. Possible causes include: autoimmune disease where her immune system is attacking the red blood cells, an issue with her bone marrow where it's not producing enough red blood cells, or cancer. He does not think it's cancer. The ideal treatment would be to admit her for at least 24 hours, do a blood transfusion, run an infectious disease panel and bone marrow aspirate to determine the cause and try to get her cell count up. But that all costs over $2000 and they require a 50% deposit and they can't do a payment plan for that much money. So instead she's getting a steroid injection, antibiotic, fluids and more appetite stimulants and coming home tonight. They want her to follow up somewhere within 3 days, unless she gets worse then I'm supposed to bring her back here. She may or may not respond to the meds and if I can't afford the more aggressive treatment and she doesn't respond well to the meds we need to discuss end of life care. Sienna is currently at the emergency vet for the 3rd time in less than a week 🙃 she's getting blood work and other diagnostics done now. Unfortunately all of these back to back emergency visits have completely depleted my finances as well as those of my support system.

I have a waggle fundraiser set up that ssends the money directly to the vet office:

Vet: Metropolitan Veterinary Associates 610-666-1050 for SIenna under Taylor Parsons
The Dollar Club paypal: for SIenna
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 for Sienna
Zelle: [email protected] for Sienna
Cash App: $RamonaRuhf for Sienna
Venmo: -Ruhf for Sienna

Good monday morning everyone. We have a new feature for today:2-24-25 Harry - sick stray/feral catHey everyone, This mor...

Good monday morning everyone. We have a new feature for today:

2-24-25 Harry - sick stray/feral cat

Hey everyone, This morning in Newark, I found this sweet boy in desperate need of help. While checking on one of my cat colonies, I discovered a poor cat perched atop a shelter I’d set up. As I got closer, I noticed blood trickling down his face. At first, I thought it might be a scratch from a fight, but then I saw a large, concerning blood spot on his forehead.Without hesitation, I set a trap to safely capture him—poor baby was caught in seconds, clearly driven by hunger and in need of care. I’m not entirely sure what caused his injury, but I know he deserves the proper treatment to recover. I’m reaching out to ask if you could please consider donating towards his vet bill. Every little bit helps to cover his medical expenses and give him the care he urgently needs.In addition, we’re still in need of volunteers to help feed our colonies, foster, or transport cats. We also accept food donations for the 100+ cats we feed on a daily basis. Your support in any form—whether through time, resources, or funds—can make a big difference.Thank you so much for your kindness and support!

Vet: Twin Oaks Veterinary Hospital 201-530-5800 for Harry under Ruth Sanchez
The Dollar Club paypal: for harry
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 for harry
Zelle: [email protected] for harry
Cash App: $RamonaRuhf for harry
Venmo: -Ruhf for harry

Update on ornage tabby:He is better; now unblocked but still dribbling blood.   Still has a lot of infection.  Surgery T...

Update on ornage tabby:

He is better; now unblocked but still dribbling blood. Still has a lot of infection. Surgery Tuesday to repair bladder tear.

Good SUNDAY morning friends.  We have a very sad hoarding case to help with here. I sent a kitten cage, one litter and o...

Good SUNDAY morning friends. We have a very sad hoarding case to help with here. I sent a kitten cage, one litter and one food so far. I will post the links to the wishlist in comments

2-23-25 Cat hoard situation

Wabash County Animal Shelter, Inc. Wabash, Indiana:
Last night we took in 12 cats (1 pregnant), & 4 very tiny kittens from a hoarding situation. We are still trying to catch others, including the mama cat. 😢The environment these cats were living in is absolutely devastating. So much so that not all the cats we found were alive. All of the ones who have survived this kind of neglect are very sick with upper respiratory infections. 😭 We were already FULL when we received the call from dispatch to assist law enforcement. I mean, zero cat kennel space available, other than our sick room, which doesn't hold many cats. That room is beyond full now. 😞We started tackling this physically and emotionally exhausting rescue attempt at 6 pm last night and didn't leave the shelter until 1 am this morning. And the journey is just beginning. 😩How can you help? If you've been thinking of adopting a cat, now is a good time! If you can donate, please do so - wet cat food & cat litter is going to be the items needed most right now. Monetary donations to help pay for the medical care ALL these cats need, including an enucleation (removal of eye) surgery. If you can foster, please stop in and talk to us. If you can volunteer, please do so. And last but not least, spay and neuter your pets. 🙏 As shelter manager, I want to acknowledge my ACO, Nathan, for his outstanding performance with this situation. We are blessed with dedicated board members. Minda was right there with Nathan & I, from beginning to end, inside that house & at the shelter. Diane rushed in and assisted us at the shelter & took on bottle duty for the 1 week old kittens. We have passionate workers. When I called Sydney, she didn't hesitate to drop everything and come in to assist us at the shelter. In this field, teamwork is a must and we have a good team. I know the rest of the staff will be all hands on deck today. ❤️One final thought, to law enforcement on the scene - you 4 deserve a round of applause & recognition. You could have stood by and observed but you were right there beside us attempting to catch these helpless cats so we can give them the kind of care they've always deserved. 👏👏👏

The Dollar Club paypal: for hoard
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 for hoard
Zelle: [email protected] for hoard
Cash App: $RamonaRuhf for hoard
Venmo: -Ruhf for hoard

Update on Gunner:Gunner has congestive heart failure. Pancreatitis an annaplasmosis. His spleen is it extremely enlarged...

Update on Gunner:

Gunner has congestive heart failure. Pancreatitis an annaplasmosis. His spleen is it extremely enlarged he said. He also has a massive growth inside his body possibly cancer. We're going to start by treating the heart failure and anoplasmosis. Wish the news was better 😖 Also a lot of fluid build up.

There's also other issues like eyelid tumors and don't even know what the black spots are in his eyes cuz we have to address the most important stuff first.


PO BOX 535
Whitehall, PA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 10pm
Tuesday 9am - 10pm
Wednesday 9am - 10pm
Thursday 9am - 10pm
Friday 9am - 10pm
Saturday 9am - 10pm
Sunday 9am - 10pm


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