Happy Saturday! We hope everyone had a fun Halloween! We've got a couple of things to update everyone on. One of our groomers is going on maternity leave in a couple of weeks. She'll be gone until mid February. We are so excited for her and her husband as this is their first child! That being said, we are going to be stretched very thin through the holidays. Our efforts of finding another groomer has been a challenge. We are currently booked until January. We are trying our best to accommodate everyone and we apologize for any inconvenience. We are still open every other Saturday. And we take walk in nail trims every day from 9:30am-3pm except for Wednesdays and Sundays. Our holiday schedule is:
Thanksgiving- closed Thurs 28th and Fri 29th
Christmas- closed 24th-26th
New years- closed January 1st
Have a good rest of your weekend!!