Gotta love my girls! From barrels, to ground pole work, to flat work we do it all👏.
Although I didn't get a video from today (so excuse the older video)...the hardest part about teaching is having to say goodbye to students. Two out of the three kiddos in this video are on the move to a new state, and it's been a huge pleasure getting to teach those two amazing kids! Kono Equine wishes you the very best of luck in everything you do, and hope you have the most amazing new adventures you can possibly have in your new state! Safe travels and happy trails Will and Meredith!
Yall my girl is killing it. She has come so far! I'm so excited to start taking her to some races soon!💪
Love watching my students progress😍
It's always a good day when you get to ride your favorite pony, do some bareback, and play some red light green light😅😍
Taking it back and working on some basics are never bad! Its always a good refresher to work on leads, and transitions!
Last show shenanigans 🤣. Im beyond proud of this tiny human and her pony Abby for doing such an amazing job all season. Now time to get them ready for the next😍!
Cant wait to take this team out next season! Slow work is so important. This young lady is really starting to get her slow work down, and she rides so quiet. Which makes for a very happy horse!😊 SO proud of her hard work.
Love this little ones hustle and drive! We have had 2 lessons in a row with successful clean patterns. I could not be more proud of how these two are doing together!
Absolutely can't forget to post this little gem😍! Her first time ever posting her trot. First posting trot day I like to encourage my students to get a good feel and rhythm down before I start getting picky about correct and incorrect diagonals. I find it helps my students a lot more, then when they finally understand the rhythm they can distinguish between the incorrect and correct diagonals with ease. Today was just day one for this little one, and I can tell she is going to do great things! Lots of smiles and lots of little giggles😄. Gotta love working with the littles!
Look at that seat and that lower leg! Plus she has quiet hands😍🤌! Way to ride Miss.Ellie!
This little had her first lope off the lunge line! So proud of her progress🙌. She has been working on a strong seat, and it is sure paying off! Cant wait to see more of what this kiddo can do!
Another clean run for practice in the books!! So proud of this team!🙌 Can't wait to see what they do next friday and saturday night.
YES YES YES!!! This little one had a nice clean run at practice today! So proud of you kiddo!🙌
Another little one in the books for first time trotting😍. So proud of this little one! Her smile was huge when she first realized what we were doing!