Bigsbee and I love to hang out on the deck, listen to music, and watch the birds fly bye…
The 2 of us haven’t hung out on the deck since all of this started. So this evening I took him outside, picked him up and put him on the bench so he could hang outside in the fresh air.
He is such a great doggo.. he stayed put while I cleaned up the deck and then we sat on our bench to enjoy the outside. He misses it so much. I miss this so much!
I feel like our whole summer has flown by and we have missed every bit of it.
#teambigsbee 💙🐾🙏🏻
Bigsbee has an ear infection from all the baths he has had in the last few months. So before I give him another bath and start his ear cleanse and meds I figured I would get some of his energy out! I think it worked. 😁
The ducky and Bigsbee have a LOVE-HATE relationship!
Bigbee absolutely hates the ducky!
 He was completely disgusted when I made ducky kiss him! 😘💋
I was going through my pictures on my phone last night and evidently I forgot to post this video. 
Bigsbee likes to roll around on the floor after he gets a drink or goes potty. He didn’t like that I busted him so he made sure to stop and go to his bed so no one could see.
Man I love this doggo! 🥰
Bigsbees post:
Mom and I let each other know how much we love each other by singing.
She was ready to go to bed last night and I needed her attention more. 🥰 She stayed up for a couple more hours. 😁
Moms post:
With all the things going on with Bigsbee he is still a happy dog. He has his days, which is to be expected. Today is one of those days. But he still continues to let us know that he is ok. I love him so much. ❤️
Bigsbee is still not putting weight on his back end. There has been no progress since our last vet visit on Monday. We visit the vet again this coming Monday. I think we will talk about stem call therapy. I feel like at this point it’s our next move.
We are now on day 46 of Bigsbees road to recovery!