Nervous tabby could use socializing
This kitty came from a neighboring city in Sedgwick County, unsure on gender, possibly female, shows curiosity towards the staff, sniffing the cat hand, but she seems hesitant about treats. She definitely appears nervous and tend to avoid interactions, she may run away from pets. On the younger side, she could turn around and make a great companion.
Address: 3303 N Hillside
Wichita, KS
Phone: (316) 524-9196 ext. 207
Email: [email protected] (RESCUES ONLY FOR EMAILS)
Rescues may contact the Khs rescue coordinator at [email protected]
Out-of-state rescues are welcome need to fill out a KHS agreement, have a valid state license, and 501c3. Please also have transportation options to assist as well because we are a small organization of volunteers and at times have limited options.
Foster to Adopt
Many rescues allow foster to adopt RESCUE PULL ONLY cats but need an approved application and we must follow state guidelines that are enforced by the Kansas Board of Agriculture. This includes the applicant’s animals being up to date on vaccinations and altered.
**Fosters/Adopters reach out to a rescue you are affiliated with ASAP or send us an application to a rescue and contact them to see if they will allow these guidelines. We can also put you in touch with many rescuers who will assist and help with foster to adopts.
We have a list of many rescuers who would be willing to assist or are needing fosters to assist. If you are not in the Wichita vicinity, we will put you in touch with the closest rescue who will assist at this shelter.
*** These cats are not in our care and are currently in the possession of the Wichita Animal Shelter. We are a group of rescue volunteers trying to network and expose these lives at risk to help get them to safety. We are not affiliated with the Wichita Animal Shelter and are allowed to evaluate these cats in need to help find placement. We do this as a courtesy to the cats, the public, and humanity.