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Rhodonite is a heart-based stone, and as such, it provides us with the ability to forgive, love, show compassion, and release jealously. #rhodonite #rhodonitecrystal #heartchakra #heartchakrahealing
Cherry Blossom Agate is one of our favorites here at The Gemstone Shop! It’s a soothing, grounding stone that reminds us to be present and still.
#cherryblossomagate #cherryblossomagates #agate #agatestone
We have so many options of Fluorite to choose from! It promotes mental clarity and logic, provides protection from negativity, and stabilizes energy. It is a great tool for those who struggle with learning disabilities, and can even glow in the dark under black light!
#fluorite #fluoritecrystal #fluoritespecimen #FluoriteMagic #adhdgems #gemstones
Who doesn’t love Amethyst? It’s thought to activate the third eye and crown chakras, boosting cognitive perception, intuition, and feelings of connectedness with the universe. Amethyst relieve stress, anxiety, and the symptoms that come along with them, and is an excellent choice for hyperactivity (and fussy children).
#amethyst #amethystcrystal #purple #gems #purplegems #purplegemstone #purplegemstones #thirdeyestones #crownchakrahealing
Cherry Blossom Agate is one of our favorite stones here at The Gemstone Shop. It is said to activate the Heart and Root chakras, and can encourage stability and self-reliance, clear negative energy, and release blockages. It’s also beneficial for people who have experienced loss or trauma, and can provide a calming and nurturing effect.
Red Jasper is a powerful protective stone that offers physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits, such as balancing energy, reducing inflammation and anxiety, improving focus, and relationships. It works with the Sacral chakra to help ground you.