Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary

Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary We are a community based 501c3 non-profit rescue providing sanctuary for abused and abandoned farm animals. Please come for a visit at 8353 N. State Road 109.

All farm animals, large and small, deserve to be treated fair and well. They spend their lives serving, and Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary exists to return service back to them and offers a safe and nurturing environment to abused and abandoned farm animals. We are a community based 501c3 non-profit rescue that receives no local or federal aid and instead runs solely on the selfless donations

of money, time, and goods from people like you. Wilkinson Indiana 46186

Thank you for your consideration and continued support. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any and all inquiries.


Good morning! Im taking a moment this morning to pray for all those unfortunate people where tornadoes have done severe damage and loss of life. God has spared we Hoosiers from the brunt of these storms and I pause to thank him for His mercy.


Today I was able to rehome 2 cows and 2 bulls. They went to a forever home/farm which is operated by some super cool people from Thailand. What the craziness about this rehoming was....Victor, a bull from last years rehoming is at the same place!!!!! What a grand reunion for them!


I have an opportunity for someone to feed the horses, goats and pigs in the am plus water......and again in the evening....possibly picking the stalls before letting them back in. For this service, which I will need someone to do everyday.....I will pay that person $350 per month for about 2 hours a day of work. Any local dependable retirees looking to augment social security a little with some extra cash? Call 317 922 5284 and I will set you up an interview. Thanks 8353 n SR 109 Wilkinson Indiana


Today we had the honor of delivering our donation to Sweet Liberty Ranch & Rescue in Mooreland. We extend our deepest gratitude for the opportunity to illuminate the remarkable work of your organization. Your unwavering dedication and boundless compassion towards the magnificent horses leave an enduring impact on all who have the honor of witnessing it. Thanks for all that you do!


When one has an animal rescue, whether a 501c3 or not, many special stories are saved in the memory banks of the same lucky person. I fondly recall the renter of my house next dooor. She was one of the sulky racers at the track in Shelbyville. Anyway, She was telling me about a horse she had become attached to from the track which had been retired due to under performing. She went further to say the horse is being kept in poor conditions and could we rescue him.

At the time, Nicole Myers and her three children Dakota Wable , Renae and Dylan were renting the second house down from mine. I asked Dakota if he would like to go with me to try and rescue a gelding in a bad environment. Dakota's response, "let me grab my hat." I believe he may have been all of 15 at the time. Anyway off we went to who knows what as far as conditions and temperament of the horse.
We arrived at a barn which appeared it could blow down at any time and a small run in shelter where the horse was standing, ankle deep in goey mud. This was not an ideal environment to load a young gelding who appeared to be very jumpy and flighty.

After several failed attempts at doing a "Cowboy Bob" lasso session, we finally got a rope around the horses neck. We beckoned, "come on boy", clucked our tongues, applied pressure on the rope only to watch the recalcitrant horse completely lock down in defiance of our efforts.

Then, at this moment, something extremely magical, raise the hair on the back of your neck kind of a thing happened. Dakota grabbed a halter and a lead rope, opened the gate where the horse stood, approached the horse talking easy to him the whole time,"hold on fella.....easy fella". He just walked up and put the halter on the horse, snapped the lead, brought him through the gate where i stood holding the trailer door open and wah-la. Dakota never said anything the whole time except what was directed at the horse. You have to know, Dakota was never around horses in his life.
Dakota named the horse "Fella". The name seemed to fit. The horse "fella" I believe transformed Dakota's young life as he took care of Fella's needs morning and night.


I see some green appearing in the pastures and so do the others who sojourn here. Where there is green there is great hope! All thanks to He who controls the whims of the weather!! Call me silly if you like; I can audibly hear their excitement as they munch on new growth,


🌟 March Community Spotlight: Sweet Liberty Ranch & Rescue 🌟

Sweet Liberty Ranch Horse Rescue goes above and beyond to rehabilitate neglected horses, providing them with a second chance at life. With your help, they can continue their compassionate work and bring hope to these majestic creatures. 🐴

What They Do:
Sweet Liberty Ranch Horse Rescue takes the time to rehabilitate neglected horses, ensuring they receive the care and attention they need. So far, they have rescued about 40 horses from kill pens and have successfully placed around 32 of them into loving homes. Their team works tirelessly to bring these horses back to health, starting with proper nourishment and treatment for diseases by their local veterinarian. They also evaluate each horse to see if they can be ridden again, offering them the opportunity for a fulfilling life.

How You Can Help:
We are excited to announce that we are matching donations up to $1000 for Sweet Liberty Ranch Horse Rescue this March! Your contribution will directly impact the lives of these neglected horses, providing them with essential care, medical attention, and the chance for a brighter future.

Join Us:
Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference. Together, let's support Sweet Liberty Ranch Horse Rescue and all that they do for these incredible animals.

To donate and learn more about their mission, please visit their website: ❤️


So we received some hay monetary donations and suddenly I could find no decently priced hay. All found was $8 or more!! I am stressing and running around trying to figure how am I going after some as my trailer is still stacked with feed. Then I was worried who can I get to help me load whatever I find as physically I am barred from doing so. Can I buy enough at this high price to sustain the animals as my other hay standby source had sold out!

Psalms 46:10 says, "Be still and Know I am God". With all the worrying and fretting running about spending needless energy, I neglected to lift my plea up to God for guidance and help. God lead me to Barbara Prescitelli. She found hay at one of her sources,went after and hauled the hay back at a very decent price. God lead me to the right helpers to unload the hay in the barn.
I am constantly amazed even as I am underserving, God answers our needs!


Even though we had the brutal dose of winter reality in January, God is smiling on Almost Heaven and the creatures which call it home in February. Thank you Jesus for these mighty blessings!


Thank you all for the donations for buying more hay. The bales should be here in a week or two....perfect timing!

I am still very burden for a rehoming for the pigs. One large girt which as been handled from since a baby and 4 middle aged pot bellies. They just need a new forever home.

If you have a heart and the room please consider these as your new friends. Thank you. I have called all the people who were recommended a few months ago and have never got a return email or call from any of them so I guess that means no. Im still looking and praying,


A bit of sadness as I lost one of my favorite boars this morning. His name is Freeway.

I never knew I would create such a friendship with a pig as I was for the longest time intimidated by them and their barking and snorting. Actually, they enjoy human bonding and are very appreciative of being talked to and a hug, much less wanting to include you in the fun of their mud bath!!

He was a good pig and will be hugely missed at Almost Heaven Farm Inc.


January 12th and on the cusps of brutal weather for the sanctuary residents. This event always causes me a lot of anxiety but probably not near as much for all the critters here.

I had a hay person toward Markleville I had made arrangements for such and such a price delivered he would bring 75 to 100 hay bales to the rescue and stack them. It was more than I could find some and deliver and stack myself, however, with the medical conditions I have been dealt, I can no longer do the hay bale lifting and stacking.
I just learned the found person in Markleville has sold out of 2023 hay. I am going to have to find some somewhere else in short order. I am not out, just to the point of counting bales left.
I am looking for anyone out there who is able to donate toward this effort to bring more square bales in to make sure we are covered for this winter. Anyone who even can donate $5 goes a long way in buying a bale of hay. Thank you for all considerations!!


A fellow came and helped take care of the tractor issue Friday. Somehow I didnt let everyone know well enough. Thank you all very much for the kind thoughts and the shares. We got through this rough spot again with the help of friends of the sanctuary! Many thanks!!


This morning I am beseeching help at Almost Heaven for a critical problem. The helper at the rescue states tractor is down. I need the tractor especially right now to get round bales set out for the horses and cows to munch. My help reports left front tire low on air, out of diesel and battery dead. I bought a new battery for it, more diesel and a new air compressor as he couldnt find old one. He states he worked on battery 2 hours yesterday and couldnt get it going.

Im in a critical state as the horses and other livestock need round bales put out. I will pay someone to go out there to get it going as I can not get there right now.

Can anyone help? Kind of desperate. cell 317 9225284


I am mightily thankful God has blessed me with wading into another year. The year 2023 has been a mix of bitter and semi-sweet. Really, why worry about what 2024 will bring. God already knows and things will go according to His purpose.

Thanks to all of you who made Almost Heaven Farm Inc what it is today. Happiest of the New Year to all!!

The Sanctuary residents and their people thank the Leo's employees and owners for their wonderful generosity!  Such grea...

The Sanctuary residents and their people thank the Leo's employees and owners for their wonderful generosity! Such great community partners!


The residents here at Almost Heaven Farm Inc received a wonderful early Christmas gift this year in the form of 240 50lb bags of Nutrena Senior feed. That one was going to be hard to beat however a Christmas blessing/gift also came my way.

I have an older sibling which has been lost to me for over three years. She decided to shut out parts of her life so she could focus on just her for awhile.

Call it a nudge from the Holy Spirit or whatever you will; I was moved Sunday night to reach out with her name and Colorado as a search. Three days later, my sister is found and engaging in converstion with more promised to come. It turns out she has been wanted to get back in touch for several months but just didnt have the where withals to do so. This is one of the best Christmas presents I have received in many years.

What does this have to do with the sanctuary and the animal residents you ask? has everything to do with the serenity of caring for God's animals as well as other humans by being quiet sometimes and by listening to that soft yet instructive voice and your response.

During this month of giving please remember the animal rescues and sanctuaries which will count on your giving to help sustain us through the winter into spring.

This giving could be time or monies to your local animal shelters which are over crowded and alot of times underfunded or either we at Almost Heaven Farm Inc or any other animal sanctuary or rescue.

Whatever your choice to give to, we as the animal rescues and animal sanctuaries of Hancock County Indiana, appreciate your continued prayers and support. Merry Christmas to all!


Concerning my post a couple days ago about rehoming the 6 pigs, I just wanted to convey my admiration for those rescues which provide sanctuary to pigs. I was personally amazed how bonding this can be. I never thought I would become bonded to a pig,yet, pigs are so appreciative and also affectionate. I never knew they had the capacity to love.

Any of the pig rescues who did not respond to my plea for help, I understand how sometimes we all get so busy with the day to day making ends meet taking care of these animals, the physical part of feeding, watering,and cleaning stalls as well as trying to solicit needed funds to keep the rescue going. Believe me, I personally have seen the movie. I guess what Im really trying to say is, as fellow 501c3's, lets try to take time to lift each other up, help where we can, and encourage each other.

Sometimes a word of encouragement is all you needed to get through an otherwise hard day.

I thank everyone who has responded and I will contact again, even if I have done so before, all the suggestions you have kindly offered up.

God bless you all and your families during this holiday season.

Good day to you all.  I have been giving sanctuary to these pigs for 7 years now.  One came from as far away as MIchigan...

Good day to you all. I have been giving sanctuary to these pigs for 7 years now. One came from as far away as MIchigan as they could not find a sanctuary to take him. All have been neuter spayed.
Due to declining health issues I need now to see if someone else can give sanctuary to these pigs. There are two full size pigs.....Freeway (male) and Spam (female) There are 4 pot belly pigs. 2 are male Oreo and Hank. The other two are female , Fatback and Streak-o-Lean.

The situation here is not desperate yet for the pigs but we dont want to wait for a desperate type situation to come along for them.. I have reached out multiple times to places that advertise pig rescue around the State of Indiana and also the State of Ohio and havent even ever got a reply back. We have treated these pigs as family for seven years and we need to make sure they are going to be re-homes in a no kill environment. I will need someone to transport and load.

If you or if you know someone who will care for these handful of residents, please advise. They come with 500 lbs of quality feed.

We are still an operating animal sanctuary for 5 horses, 12 goats, a myrad of abandoned chickes and roosters, 8 cats, 2 dogs, 3 miniature Zebu cows and one Gurnsey/Jersey cow.

Thank you all for your support!
Thank you very much for your considerations.


This Thanksgiving what have I to be thankful for....air to breathe for another day is one of the greatest gifts. Greater still rescue was made the beneficary of 240 50lb bags of Nutrena Senior Safe Choice feed!!!!! It is all in the barn in the dry.

Thank you Lord for your goodness and mercy amen


Our apologies regarding the Halloween pumpkins but we find that we will not be able to take them after all. My fault! Thank you anyway.


Freeway, the big boar pig was getting frightfully skinny and my first thoughts was his age was taking a toll on him. I was totally wrong but also totally right to call the Vet at Pork Solutions in New Palestine. The vet drove out and asessed all the pig population and diagnosed all needing a good worming. The (not so cheap) medicine was given for two days to every pig....small or big.

You ought to see Freeway now. He has already gained back alot of weight but still has a little way to go. Happy pigs are plum darn cute!!

The horses and donkey got farrier care a few weeks ago...hay is in the barn and the man I hired to feed and water twice a day is doing a very good job.

This just a quick note to say thank you for helping get the job done!!


I was walking the dogs tonight after bedding down the horses, goats,pigs,cows and getting everyone fresh water. I noticed the 8pm sky with the sunlight fading but not all the way, the sun sending broad separate bands of yellow over the blue evening sky. The cicadas and crickets were singing in harmony with a very slight eastern breeze making the walk pleasant.

It was a good night for reflection on what to be thankful for. I am thankful there is nothing I know of being wrong with any of my close loved ones. All the animals in my care are today doing fine. I feel relatively healthy today. I will eat tonight, get a friendly hug and affection from the dogs in my care as we watch tv together.

Little things, little things as I race through a day with worries about this and that. It is nice when I am reminded to just pause, pause and reflect on what is right for a spell as after doing this , the wrongs and troubles have less of a sting as they are now diluted.

Amazing is how I can go through life thinking I have it firmly grasped only to find a simple thing which I have done wrong my entire life up to now. Socks....the silly act of putting on socks! I would always put my foot in the sock opening and pull till the sock was on. I would wonder why the heel of the sock would tear so quickly. One day recently I instead rolled the sock inside out and placed over my toes and then worked it the rest the way over my foot. WHA-la!! how easy!

The question many other bothersome things in life are made more easy if we open up our mind to other possibilities? Ill sign off with that thought.


The last post I made to my page I was reaching out and advocating for enough funds to amply provide for the animals here at the sanctuary for winter food stores. The response in donations was not what most would call stellar as 1 donation was received for ten dollars.

Let's talk about that ten dollar bill.

I have received in the past donations of $500 or more from people who may be giving cheerfully to this cause from their abundance they were blessed with.

This lone person gave from their lack, their shortfall.

I cherish that 10 dollar bill just as much as I did that $500 donation due to the meaning, the love, the desire to do something for our rescue by this person who, even though they had little, they stepped up with love, kindness with this donation.

Hats off to absolutely everyone out there who has given time, hay, feed, accessories and funds to make this 501c3 work over the years.

Almost Heaven Farm Inc. will not function without the kindness of good samaritans keeping the gears of this effort moving through your giving.

God, richly bless all these people who offer up prayers and other support for this cause

My humble thanks to all!!!!!


The end of August finds us with some funds gathered from our 2023 Motorcycle Ride event which we are spreading thinly to buy the most hay we can for the winter to come. Hay has gone up very steeply no matter if you are buying first or second cut. There are no deals.

We are staying on schedule with keeping horses hooves maintained every six weeks. To look at our horses and other livestock, they all eat pretty good.

There are projects yet to be accomplished this year and are needed. We need 4 triaxle loads of #8 gravel and 3 triaxle loads of agi lime on the skirting of the barn area before winter hits. I at this time do not know where these funds will come from.

I want to let every person who donated time, food, tack, or dollars.....each part of everything donated was thankfully received and used to its maximum benefit to the rescue. I sincerely thank each one of you.

This MotorCycle event was our last big hoo-rah for 2023. I have emptied my pockets for the rescue this year as there has not been any large donors of times past stepping forward. I am very concerned about it.

If you do have any financial support you may not have decided to what concern to donate to, please give us a thought in this very worthwhile large animal sanctuary 501c3 facility.

God bless you in all that you do.


What a great event yesterday to raise funds for the Sanctuary. Successful and safe motorcycle ride and raffle. People are so incredibly generous and willing to help. We could not do it without you. Will be posting thank yous soon. Today I rest! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


Two more great pet themed baskets - one for dogs and one for cats. As always, these are amazing items!


Just picked up a wonderful spa basket with a value of over $250. $180 gift card, lotions, soaps, eye pillow, tea, etc.


8353 North State Road 109
Wilkinson, IN



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