I love the way oil paints smells and the way it feels as a project comes together. #uintaalpacas #utah #oilpainting #alpaca #artist #oldfriends
Christmas chicks. This hen is an over achiever. It is 25 degrees outside! What is she thinking?#uintaalpacas #highdesertfarmgirl #christmas #christmaschicks
The big group of yearling white females waiting to enter the ring at the California Classic.
Uinta Bedazzled
Uinta Bedazzled is now owned by Rare Gem Alpacas. Darcy and Jan thank you so much! I caught the judges remarks about Bedazzled.
LOOK what showed up just in time for Uinta Alpaca Baby Day!
Oct 19, 2024
From 11am to 4pm
450 N 200 W
Willard, Utah
#uintaalpacas #alpaca #alpacababy #cria #alpacasocks #utahfun #utahfunactivities #uinta_alpaca_yarn_and_artisan_goods #willardutah
Baby alpacas are called cria. They are snuggly and cute and sweet. Baby Alpaca Day is Oct 19, 2024 from 11am - 4pm #babyalpaca #babyalpacadays #uintaalpacas #alpacasocks #utahfarm #utahisrad #utah #alpaca
Baby Alpaca Day is almost here. Come celebrate all the new babies born on the farm this year! Oct.19.2024 11am - 5pm. Buy your tickets online and save $2.00 on your admission. #alpacababydays #babyalpacadays #uintaalpacas #uintaalpacas_farm_store #utahfun #utah #utahisrad #alpacasocks #alpacababies
Uinta Alpaca Baby Day is almost here! Oct 19, 11am - 4pm
450 N 200 W #utahfun #alpacasbabies #uintaalpacababyday #alpacaparade #bouncyhouse #kidscrafts #scavengerhunt
One of our Peacock hens has adopted seven baby chickens and is in the process of raising them as her own! It’s the cutest thing.❤️ #peahen #peacocks #fostermom #uintaalpacas #uintafamilyfarm #farmlife #homestead
Born very early is Utah freezing cold temps. Body temp 92.1. Slowly warmed him up started giving colostrum (slowly) once body temp was at 97.9. Got him up to 99.9 after 6 hours. Mom had NO colostrum because she let a yearling nurse on her and cleaned her out. Supplemented with cow colostrum and milked mom for every feeding. Mom was amazing to work with! Gave plasma at 3 days because cria was struggling. Kept milking mom and feeding cria for 4 days. Finally he turned the corner and is now thriving. #uintaalpacas #alpacacria #hypothermia #alpacas #alpacafarm #utahfarm #utah #utahisrad #utahspring #alpacababy
A baby alpaca is called a cria. They make the most adorable sounds. Fluffy Alpaca Day is right around the corner. April 27th, 11am - 4pm. So many fun activities! Scavenger hunt. Feeding the animals, Bouncy house, FREE Kids craft, Farm store and A food truck! Don’t miss out! Buy tickets online and save $2.00 on your admission. #uintaalpacas @uinta_alpacas #willard,utah #boxeldercounty #fluffyalpacaday #fluffyalpacabutts #alpacasocks #alpacasweater #utah #utahisrad #utahfunactivities #utahfunadventures #utahfunwithkids #utahfun
Ever wanted to get an alpaca boop? Here’s your chance! Fluffy Alpaca Day, April 27, 2024 @uinta_alpacas