Congratulations to Borderland EXCA for hosting an outstanding event on Sunday, Sept 22, at Moon Shine Ranch in Elgin, AZ!
A huge shoutout to Matt and Shawna McCorkle and Cassandra Potts for organizing a challenging experience for the riders and their horses from the community and surrounding areas.
We also want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers who worked hard behind the scenes – your efforts are truly appreciated!
Excited for the next Borderland EXCA event coming this spring – stay tuned for dates!
Get ready to ride!
Here are the results:
Novice Horse Riders Results at the EXPO:
1. Kiyo – 405.401 (1st Place)
2. Krista – 392.428 (2nd Place)
3. Shawna – 390.221 (3rd Place)
4. Mia – 379.965 (4th Place)
5. Colton – 373.569 (5th Place)
6. Cass – 367.425 (6th Place)
Intermediate Horse Riders Results at the EXPO:
1. Lynne – 617.594 (1st Place)
2. Shauna – 521.298 (2nd Place)
3. Krista – 479.333 (3rd Place)
4. Cass – 478.296 (4th Place)
RS Horse Riders Results:
1. Lynne – 616.195
2. Krista – 487.829
NP Horse Riders Results:
1. Lynne – 608.16
(Video produced by Colton Whiteside)
Thank you to everyone who attended the
Lanny Leach Horsemanship Obstacle Clinic,
Saturday , Sept 21.
A Special Thank You to Matt and Shawna McCorkle for hosting at Moonshine Ranch, to Cass Andra, and to all the volunteers working tirelessly behind the scenes.
We couldn't have done this without the incredible support from everyone involved.
From start to finish each rider made significant improvements in their techniques throughout the clinic. You challenged yourself and your horse to reach goals you have never done before!!
A big thanks to the auditors who came to learn, encourage and support the participants.
You are all so appreciated!!
May God Bless you.
Lanny and Kathy
"Ride With A Purpose"
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Phillipians 4:13
(Video created by Colton Whiteside)
Great time at the Lanny Leach Horsemanship Obstacle Clinic!!
🐎Watch this video for some amazing moments with riders and their horses.
We’ve updated the video with new music, so if you’ve seen it before, make sure to check out the refreshed version! 🎶
(Video produced by Colton Whiteside)
"Ride with balance, not like a kite!"
Lanny Leach Horsemanship Obstacle Clinic.
May 20 -2024 Moonshine Ranch, Elgin, Az
Contact Lanny for lessons, training and clinics.
"Ride with a Purpose"
#training #lessons #clincs #leachcoltstartingacademy ##leachhorsemanship
For nothing is impossible with God.
Luke 1:37