An eartip is not “ugly”, but rather, shows someone cared enough to have the cat altered and vaccinated. 😻 Surely the cat doesn't care part of his ear is missing, since it is painless. Only humans (in all our vanity) care that the cat doesn't look like all the other cats. Look past the eartip, the size of the eartip, the angle of the eartip. None of that matters as much as the fact that someone took the time to have the cat altered. ❤️
The following text provided by bestfriends.org:
There are kind people around the country who keep an eye on community cats in their neighborhoods, helping to get the cats fixed through TNR programs. Ear-tipping allows them to tell from a distance whether or not a community cat has been spayed or neutered. That tipped ear saves the cat the stress of being trapped and anesthetized a second time.
Ear-tipping can also help anyone who is feeding the cats keep track of them, and notice if a new cat has joined the community. And it lets animal control officers know that a cat benefitted from TNR and has been seen by a veterinarian. In short, an ear-tip tells everyone that the cat has someone who has invested time and resources in his or her well-being.