ADOPTED!! Saucy Noodle, now named Daisy Noodle, has found the most marvelous home. Christian Tibaudo sent in an application that had us smiling, and when we interviewed him, we were even more excited. We brought Daisy to his house and his set up was just perfect to help a new kitten adapt to a new house.
We asked Christian to send us a picture of the two of them once she was braver, and he sent us one with the two of them watching TV. He reports that " She is doing wonderfully. Really the best cat I could have asked for. Eating great, using her litter box great, playing lots (she really likes the little springs), and is very lovey."
He puts birds on for her on his laptop and she sleeps on the bed with him (she likes sleeping with humans). We could not have asked for a better pet parent for Daisy!! Thank you to all of you for supporting her when she arrived so she could get all of the medical care necessary to go on to find the best dad! Thank you to Riverside Cat Hospital and to her foster parents, Hallie and Phil Corning!!