Good evening everyone.
As many of you know, in recent months I've stepped away from working with as many dogs as I have in years past due to health issues. In that time, my family and I have had some changes occur to our personal schedules that does not allow me the time or energy needed to increase my client load and has actually lead me to the decision to further reduce my client load for the 2017 training season. Because of this, I have decided to renew my business insurance but at a different policy rate. This new policy will not allow me to have clients on my property which means that I will not be offering the following services any longer: Group Classes, Private Sessions (held in our training yard), Daycare, Playtime, Board & Train, or PetStays. Effective April 1, 2017, I will only offer private in home training session. I may reassess things at the time of renewal next year.
If your dog has items here that have been kept here for their stays with us, please let us know and I will make arrangements to get it to you as soon as possible.
I will be selling a lot of items that I have purchased over the last 15 years that I will no longer be needing. Some were bought and used once, some were bought and never used still in it's packaging. Crates, agility equipment, training tools/equipment, and so much more. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for items posted. As I have time to go through things, I will post them. Please keep in mind that most items will have been used. If an item is new and unused it will say it in the post. As items are spoken for, I will remove them so if you see it, it's available. The majority of the money that comes in from selling items will be donated to a yet unnamed local animal rescue. The small portion not donated will be used for business expenses that allows us to continue offering private in home training sessions.
There comes a time in every person's life where they have to assess where they are in their lives, where they're going, and where they want to be. Those of you with kids know how limited family time is to begin with. The older they get the tougher it is to have us all in the same room at the same time for more than 5 minutes out of the day. My kids are all going in different directions and it's time to give more of myself to them. I'm not going anywhere. I'll still be able to answer questions and help you along the way as needed. I can offer referrals to another trainer should you need classes or private training if I'm not available. I can also offer referrals to pet sitters if you plan on going out of town and don't want to use a kennel.
It has been a joy working with all of you and your dogs. Many of your dogs spend so much time in our home that they have become extended family and we have looked forward to their stays. Please keep in touch and maybe give them an extra face smoosh and snuggles from me every once in a while.
With Love,