This account has been created to strengthen the communication between the Village of Willisville and the residents within the town limits including the outside water customers. The information shared will include: news, alerts, notices, announcements, suggestions, comments, and concerns. Village Mayor: Clarence Warner
Village Clerk:
Village Treasurer: Cheryl Salger
Board Trustees: Douglas Vi
ckery II
Allen Nesbit
Tonya Miller
Jessica Jung
Tracy Reed
John Hill
Village Hall Hours: Tuesday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. Village Hall Physical Address: 906 Broadway Street
Willisville, Illinois 62997
Village Hall Mailing Address: PO Box 157, Willisville, Illinois 62997
Village Hall Telephone Number: (618) 497-2632
Village Hall Fax Number: (618) 497-2287
Village Mayor’s Telephone Number: (618) 615-1527
Animal Control: (618) 571-4590
Board Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. Due Dates: On or before the 15th of the Month = No Late Fees
16th of the Month = Late Fees Applied
25th of the Month = Water Shut Off
We reserve the right to delete any vulgar, harassing, or inappropriate posts and will immediately delete and block said individual. Please feel free to add any Willisville residents ONLY to this page.