Here is an accurate way to look at your daily life with your dog. Behaviors you allow are behaviors you are indeed training whether you are aware of it or not, your dog most certainly is!!
I work outside a lot of dog parks and rarely see fights. What I do see is a damn near strategic eradication of the bond that people seem to strongly desire with their dogs. If I were tasked with creating a way to slowly and strategically break down the bond between people and their dogs that was guised in innocence, I’d eventually land on creating dog parks.
I would craft a small space with a strong competing motivator and high distractions. I would forbid the humans from moving - I’d make them stay still and ignore or be neutral and thus approving of any behaviors their dogs display. I would give the dogs complete free will with no referee, no guidance, no praise nor correction - no human interference. I would allow the arousal level to be dictated by the dogs and their behavior.
For bonus points, I would encourage everyone to only take their dogs to the same dog park and otherwise give them little mental or physical stimulation. And from their car to the gate of the dog park I would only give them two choices: 1) allow their dog to run there will full abandon, or 2) pull their owners to the park in a harness.
I would then have them repeat that process day after day, ensuring that the most entertaining part of their dog’s day every day is that outing.
It’s as perfectly structured as the healthcare industry recommending high daily allowances of carbs for “health.”