To the Friends of Top Dog:
As we wrap up our 14th year in business; we are reporting to you that Top Dog Self Wash will be permanently closing as of November 28th 2024. We have had the opportunity to talk with some of you about this already. With the resignation of our favorite groomer (due solely to a family issue), and the rising costs associated with running a business, we have decided that it is now time to move on to a new chapter elsewhere in our lives. Over the years, the majority of our customers have been delightful to get to know (both canine and human), and without those customers we would have thrown in the towel years ago. Please don't feel sad for us as we are looking forward to doing something new. We will miss the majority of you and we sincerely thank you for your friendship and support throughout the years!
(*Anyone with remaining Pre-Paid wash cards, please come in asap for redemption).
Side note: If any of our customers have the space and desire; we will have 3 custom dog washing tubs with drop-in trays and rubber mats that will be available for purchase after closure. $899 ea. OBO (Retail Price: $2845 Tub/$375 Tray/$60 Mat = $3280 ea.) Crate Dryer: $899 OBO (Retail Price: $4400). If interested for more information or purchase, please call.
We have taken some time to make a list of a lot of the dogs/customers (both past & present) that have had a significant part in our success through the years. Obviously we can't include everyone from 14 years, so this list is very much incomplete. If you think your dog should have been listed, you are probably right and it was most likely an oversight on our part and you have our apologies (also for misspelling). A special thank you to the owners/dogs of the following (alphabetical) list through the years:
Abby, Abel, Addie, Alex, Allie, Arelia, Aries, Asa, Avery, Axle, Bailey, Bear, Beethoven, Bella, Belle, Ben, Blondie, Bonnie, Boston, Brenna, Brian, Brody, Brutus, Buckley, Buddy, Buster, Calvin, Candy, Capone, Casper, Charlie, Charlotte, Chester, Chimney, Cinder, Cisco, Coco, Colby, Cora, Cornell, Dahlia, Daisy, Dakota, Dallas, Dewey, Dexter, Diesel, Diggy, Doge, Draco, Dublin, Duncan, Eddie, Ella, Ellie, Enzo, Esther, Finn, Frank, Gertie, Ginger, Gotti, Grace, Gus, Gwyneth, Haley, Hardy, Harpo, Hazel, Henry, Hogar, Homer, Honey, Hooper, Hudson, Hunter, Jake, Java, Jax, Jingles, Jinx, Joey, Josh, Josie, Kane, King, Kira, Kona, Lady, Laurel, Libby, Lilly, Louie, Luna, Mac, Maddie, Manny, Marley, Martha, Maui, Maverick, Max, Maximo, Maxwell, Maybel, Midnight, Milo, Misty, Molly, Muddy, Nala, Neo, Nico, Noche, Nora, Nyla, Olive, Ollie, Oscar, Otis, Pat, Peanut, Penny, Pepper, Pete, Pi, Piper, Poppy, Precious, Remi, Rocco, Roni, Roo, Roscoe, Roxy, Ruby, Rudy, Rufus, R***r, Sadie, Sahara, Sam, Samson, Sarasota, Scarlett, Scooby, Scout, Sebastian, Sergio, Shady, Shaggy, Shane, Shay, Skylar, Snoop, Sophie, Stanley, Stella, Taco, Tank, Tara, Taz, Ted, Tess, Toby. Tuck, Turkey, Tux, Tyson, Watson, Winston, Woody, Zeus, Zion, Zoey, Zola