Hazel the Standard Poodle identifying as a Retriever!
Bebbeh dog Finn on his second day at Day School. He has graduated from Puppy PreSchool, and we are giving him a head start on Beginner class for his owner.
He is a wonderful pup, and appears very sweet and innocent, but has been running roughshod over his owner.
Susan & Baxter
Azalea DTC
Susan & Baxter
Joanne & Opie
Azalea DTC
Joanne & Opie (aka: The Zoo)
Dale & Dexter
Azalea DTC
Dale & Dexter
Dale & Andy
Azalea DTC
Dale & Andy
Arlene & Maggie
Azalea DTC
Jane and Scout Coleman
Azalea DTC
Jane & Scout
Baby dog agility!
What I did while my mom was at work...
Beginner Novice 8/8
Today was time well spent at Cape Fear Dog Training Club.
Lauren & Givens had a superb run in his first try at Beginner Novice, scoring a 198 out of 200 for a first place ribbon!
To say that I am proud of them both is a major understatement!