Welcome to the Fort Dearborn German Shorthair Pointer Club!!! The Fort Dearborn GSP Club was founded to promote cooperation and friendship among owners, breeders and other persons who are interested in promoting this wonderful breed we are so passionate about. We are here for the dogs and having fun together. Although a majority of our members are GSP owners, we as an organization do not limit onl
y GSP owners to the club. Many of our club members have different breeds as well. We welcome everyone interested in the club to become a member and see what we have to offer. The only requirement is you are willing to have fun and laugh! The Club holds sanctioned and licensed Field Trials, Hunt Tests and Specialty Shows under the rules of the American Kennel Club. The club encourages high standards in breeding, training and showing, both in the field and in the show ring; or whatever your interest is. Our field events are a great time to get your family out and to test the hard work and dedication you have put into your dog. We hold both walking field trials and horseback field trials. Club field events are open to all pointing breeds and we do not limit our entries to GSP's only like other clubs. Our specialty shows are a great opportunity to showcase your dog in the off season. Although these are competitive events we emphasize fun and camaraderie. We offer special classes for Hunt Test and Field Trial dogs to enter. We give special recognition for our members and their dogs through our Annual Award Program and on our website. We don’t have a lot of meetings but when we do they are usually in conjunction with our events. Check out our Events Page for dates and times. To contact us about upcoming events or about becoming a club member please visit our Contact Page. Here you will find a membership form. Have a question? Enter your contact information and a brief description about your question. Once submitted, one of our board members will get back to you in a timely manner. Thanks again for stopping by and we hope you join us as a member, or at an event soon!!