Riding Far, LLC

Riding Far, LLC Transformative Experiences for Horses and Riders All riders, regardless of experience or discipline, meet challenges along the way. Paul T. Haefner. in Physics.

Riding Far, LLC was founded over 20 years ago with a simple idea that riders could benefit from a better understanding of themselves, their horses, and how to create change. We help riders move through these challenges. This is more than your typical sport psychology or horse training. We have dedicated ourselves to create transformative experiences for equestrians and horses through compassionate

and expert education, mentorship and guidance. We meet every rider and horse where they are and create deeply personal and meaningful experiences. Our work inspires change where traditional approaches have often failed. We ground ourselves in an innovative integration of modern human psychology and horsemanship, drawing inspiration from a wide range of human psychological disciplines and the best of classical and modern horsemanship including equine ethology and biomechanics. We are passionate about our own personal and professional growth in order to bring our clients current, comprehensive, informed, and inspired guidance. PhD

Dr. Haefner is a licensed clinical and sport psychologist in private practice in Northern Virginia with more than 30 years of professional experience. In addition to his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Dr. Haefner is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming. He also holds a B.S. In his practice, he provides personal/professional development, sport psychology consultation, and a broad range of other therapeutic services to adults, adolescents and children. An avid equestrian since his childhood, Dr. Haefner has combined his love for horses and lifelong equestrian experience with his knowledge of human psychology in order to help people transform themselves and their relationships with their horses. He enjoys working with riders of all levels and disciplines tackling the many and varied challenges that arise along the way. He helps riders transform self-doubt into confidence, fear into courage, distractibility into focused concentration, and pressure and anxiety into effective performance. In addition to helping people with their riding goals, Dr. Haefner uses the unique relationship between people and their equine partners to help people attain their own personal growth goals such as increased self-confidence, assertiveness, trust, intimacy and balance in relationships. Dr. Haefner is passionate about learning. He is committed to integrating newly acquired knowledge and skills into his work with riders. His most recent learning venture into interpersonal neurobiology has led to Riding Far to partner with Neurofficient to offer their clients neurofeedback brain training. Dr. Haefner is also a steadfast advocate for research in the field of human-horse interaction. He assisted in founding the Research Committee for the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association. He served on the Board of Directors of the Horses and Humans Research Foundation (HHRF), having been honored to serve as President of the Board for three of those years. He continues his advocacy for research through his role as Scientific Advisor for HHRF. Dr. Haefner is passionate about teaching. He has taught every age and level from kindergarten to graduate school. He has served on the staff/faculties of The Hill School, Catholic Memorial High School, The Fielding Institute, The Lab School of Washington, and The Catholic University of America. He dedicated to educating riding instructors and trainers, as well as riders, about the psychology of teaching and learning. His goal is to help instructors and trainers become more effective teachers and riders become more effective learners. Justin Haefner

Justin Haefner is a professional trainer who specializes in the training and handling of young performance jumpers. He is the full time Trainer of Young and Developing Horses at St. Bride’s Farm where he focuses on giving international caliber jumping horses the best foundation possible for their later life on the international show circuit. Justin believes it is essential to understand how horses’ bodies move and function in order to effectively train horses. In his continuous pursuit of deeper knowledge of equine physiology and biomechanics, Justin is a student at the Vluggen Institute of Equine Osteopathy and Education. Justin is also committed to transforming the experiences of horses and their riders through his work with Dr. Haefner in Riding Far, LLC. He contributes his knowledge of the horse’s psychology and physiology to create a well-rounded and unique perspective on the relationship between horse and rider. The synergistic, collaborative combination of Justin’s training and horsemanship experience with Dr. Haefner’s experience helping people change creates powerful opportunities for riders to transform their relationships with themselves and their horse in large and small ways. Justin comes from a background in vaquero style natural horsemanship, spending his childhood highly interested in creating and understanding deep connections with horses. Time spent starting young horses, foxhunting, and dabbling in many different disciplines gave him a base to understand key elements of a horse’s solid foundation. His focus on bodywork and anatomy/biomechanics goes hand in hand with his deep interest in classical dressage. His focus with every horse, no matter their discipline, is to gift them with strength of mind, body and emotion. Much of his work is based on the teaching and philosophy passed down by masters such as Nuno Oliveira. While patiently and steadfastly working to positively influence the equestrian world, Justin is deeply committed to continue his personal education. He hopes to return to Portugal where he spent time riding at the Centro Equestre Leziria Grande with the Valença’s, and continued lessons with Patrick King. His interests are in improving his own biomechanics and posture as a rider, as well as knowledge of horse and human physiology, training through classical philosophy, and further understanding and ability in equine bodywork.

We hope you were able to join us in our Casually Chaotic Conversation with special guest Lee McLean!! Here are our inten...

We hope you were able to join us in our Casually Chaotic Conversation with special guest Lee McLean!!

Here are our intentions for the week!

Dr. Paul- “Take my experience and really work on richly incapsulate it in a few words”

Justin-“To be patient while being open to other opportunities”

Lee- Have a different/positive mindset while creating her hand made cavessons.

What are your intentions???


Casual Chaotic Conversations - Lee McLean

Barn Help NeededWe are looking for someone who is cheerful and reliable to come help out for 3 hrs a day on the weekend,...

Barn Help Needed

We are looking for someone who is cheerful and reliable to come help out for 3 hrs a day on the weekend, and possibly Mondays too.

If you have a genuine interest in animal welfare and care, are self motivated and can work alone, have previous experience in looking after horses and want to work in a positive environment - please fill out the application below as we'd love to meet you.

Apply Here: https://link.horsebusinessmanager.com/widget/form/Sy9Vp3G8qjYwcIaXlDFf

Psych Saturday: Wandering and WonderingSo many of the riders I work with are courageous and earnest in their struggle wi...

Psych Saturday: Wandering and Wondering

So many of the riders I work with are courageous and earnest in their struggle with their fears, nerves, and self-doubt. They come to each session with a concern or issue. They are eager to talk through their “homework” assignments and find the next step.

One of my clients had a hectic week filled with all the things of life, work, and relationships. They admitted that they hadn’t given much thought to our session or even had time to implement the plans from the previous one.

In the conversation that followed we wandered a bit and wondered a bit about parts of their life that usually wouldn’t come up in conversation if we were focused on their riding. As often happens, we discovered patterns and experiences in other parts of their life that related directly to their riding experience.

Time will tell if these insights and and new awarenesses will help them in their riding. But, it reminded me how powerful taking the time to be with someone in a different way can be.

I went to ride yesterday. After riding my mare Nubble, I headed out to grab Lil’ Joe. He was napping in the sun. It was a beautiful day, for a change. It was warm and the sun was shining. As I approached him he looked gently over toward me and then went back to snoozing.

I had this thought. I wonder what would happen if I set my plans and eagerness aside. What if I joined him, a different kind of wandering and wondering. I lay down next to him and we snoozed in the sun.

I don’t know how or if what Joe and I experienced will circle back to our work together. It is easy to be all mystical about it and it is just as easy to be cynical. I do know the joy I felt napping with him in the sun. And, I know that I will pay attention and trust in my experience.

The next time you bump up against life and it gets in the way of your carefully crafted plans, take the time to wander and wonder. I am guessing that you will be glad you did. ~ Paul

PC - Erin Gilmore Photography

❄️ Anybody feel a little apprehensive getting back on their horse after they have been cooped up or untouched because of...

❄️ Anybody feel a little apprehensive getting back on their horse after they have been cooped up or untouched because of the weather?
❄️If that’s how you feel, I’ve put together a Mental Prep for Winter Guide.
❄️If you could use some tips to keep your head in the right place click on the link below and we'll get that emailed over to you.
~Dr Paul.


Happy Valentine’s Day from Tom! 💕❣️

Happy Valentine’s Day from Tom! 💕❣️

Our Special Guest next Monday is the one and only Lee McLean.  We’re super excited to be talking to her. LEE McLEAN runs...

Our Special Guest next Monday is the one and only Lee McLean. We’re super excited to be talking to her.

LEE McLEAN runs a modest training and sales program for all breeds of horses and ponies. She stays busy by building saddles, judging and teaching everyone from 4H kids to senior riders, basic dressage, carriage driving and sidesaddle riding, to horsemanship clinics in Canada and the US.

Lee was among eight women to race, sidesaddle at the Calgary Stampede. A wife, mother, stroke survivor and magazine columnist, Lee is perhaps best-known for her Facebook posts on Keystone Equine. Here, she writes on everything from fear, illness and ageing, to training and general horsemanship for more than 55,000 engaged followers.

Join us here at 10am EST on Feb 17 for what is going to be a great conversation.

We apologize for the late notification, but we would like all attendees to enjoy the clinic in a dry environment.

We apologize for the late notification, but we would like all attendees to enjoy the clinic in a dry environment.

What are your intentions this week?

What are your intentions this week?


Pippa Callanan is back with us for 3 clinics this year!
5 rider places available for each clinic - auditors welcome.
Spots available on a first-come, first-served basis so don't miss out.
CLICK THE LINK TO BOOK : https://clinics.ridingfar.com/pippa25-openingpage


Casually Chaotic Conversation

Psych Saturday (On Sunday): When Emotional Needs CollideA bit of history here for those that may not know me well. In 20...

Psych Saturday (On Sunday): When Emotional Needs Collide

A bit of history here for those that may not know me well. In 2013, my then young horse Revel spooked and took off. While I can’t tell you what happened next because I don’t remember, I know I ended up in the head trauma unit of Fairfax Hospital for overnight observation. In the summer of 2022, I took on a young Westphalian gelding Lil’Joe who was gifted to me because he had been bolting with his owner.

I know what you’re thinking… “What the hell were you thinking?” At least this seems to be the most common reaction. I could give you the emotional answer which is that I felt connected to this horse from the moment I first met him; all goofy and playful with his goat eaten tail. And, while that is true, I think the real answer is a much deeper one.

While I had worked through my experience with Revel, there was still a part of me that knew that I still didn’t have what was needed to help Revel at the time. I needed to find that in myself. Not just to “make things right” with Revel but to take responsibility for myself and have more to offer Lil’ Joe and all the other horses that would come into my life.

It has been quite a journey. Revel opened the door for me to learn how to grow through my intense fear. My clients have benefited enormously from what he taught me. Lil’ Joe has opened the door for to explore and retrain my nervous system. Like all of us, my nervous system works to keep me safe and seldom asks permission first. While some of the ways it responds informs my intuition and helps my decision making, many of my reactions work against me in the moment. Apparently, my nervous system doesn’t know much about horses.

Joe is one of those horses that is highly sensitive to his environment. No matter how relaxed he is in his work, he is only a hair’s breath away from high alert status. The work with him is always gradual. Gains are often almost imperceptible in the moment and accrue very slowly over time. It is always helpful to look back over several months to truly appreciate his progress.

One sticking point for him is the indoor arena (the only contained riding space on the farm larger than our round pen). It is not always a comfortable place for him. On the days when the gremlins run free, my work with him takes a large step back, helping him get reconnected and settled. Often sticking to ground work.

The other day, Justin and I were alone at the farm and had a chance to ride together for the first time in a while. We talked about where we were going to ride. He wanted to ride in the outdoor arena since the weather was so nice. The few times I had ridden Joe in the outdoor he was actually more relaxed than usual. Me not so much. I realized in that moment that our emotional needs did not align. I chose to meet Joe’s as best I could.

It was a beautiful ride. Joe was relaxed and regulated. We worked on building responsiveness to the aids with lightness. He stayed connected through the whole experience. I, on the other hand, struggled. I found myself internally distracted by unhelpful thoughts and repeatedly had to address my tension, both emotional and physical. It was a challenge to stay in the present and connect to the real experience of the ride.

It would be easy in that moment to get down on myself. I can be just as harshly self-critical as the next rider. It has helped me to appreciate that all of the intrusive thoughts and physical tension I experienced were simply my nervous system doing its best to take care of me. I have known for some time that my next personal growth agenda will be to train my nervous system to respond differently, to respond the reality of the moment rather than my past traumas. I have also known that my growth, like Lil’ Joe’s, will be slow and gradual.

If you are challenged by your nervous system in similar ways, join me in the process and commitment of training new, more adaptive responses. Training ourselves with deep personal understanding. Treating ourselves with kindness and compassion in the process. And, perhaps most of all, training ourselves with quiet consistency over time, appreciating even the smallest gains because that is the way that growth happens. ~ Paul

We are thrilled to welcome Pippa Callanan back this year! Bookings will open on Monday at 8 PM Eastern Time, and spots w...

We are thrilled to welcome Pippa Callanan back this year! Bookings will open on Monday at 8 PM Eastern Time, and spots will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, so be sure to mark your calendars. Don’t miss this opportunity!

I stepped off a feely thoroughbred gelding I’m working with as I chatted with a good friend of mine. We were lost in a d...

I stepped off a feely thoroughbred gelding I’m working with as I chatted with a good friend of mine. We were lost in a discussion on education as horsemen and women. The ins and outs of academic learning, the difficulties of maintaining a business while simultaneously craving more structured learning.

I have watched others, when they reach the stage in business that I find myself in now, get swept up by the demands and the schedule, the risk and pressure of wanting, needing, to succeed. I have seen them retreat somewhat from the core of what got them started in the first place. The horse. So as I look at myself and my future self of the following years, I think it is more important now, than ever before, to prioritize my education.

As my foot left the stirrup and found solid ground, I said to my friend, “I have never in my entire life ridden as many horses as I have in this moment. I have never in my life, had as much experience as I do right now. I have never in my life, been more ready to learn than I am right now.”

It’s my obligation, along with everyone else alive today who works with horses, to fight for the survival of our sport and to preserve the knowledge. That being said, to preserve knowledge, one must first obtain it. It’s now my obligation to myself that, as our business grows and there is more demand on my time, I will not back away from learning about the horse. No matter what snapshot I take in the life of a future self, I must remember that I will never be more ready to learn than in that moment.
~ Justin

📷 - Erin Gilmore Photography

Join us in learning the ins and outs of working equitation and the practical horsemanship involved! Stephanie Jennings i...

Join us in learning the ins and outs of working equitation and the practical horsemanship involved! Stephanie Jennings is a renowned competitor in the discipline, business member of Northern Virginia Working Equitation (NOVAWE), and owner of Professional Horse Services, LLC. This clinic invites riders of all skill levels and disciplines.


9am lecture

9:30-11 Group 1

11-12:30 Group 2

12:30-1 Lunch

1-2:30 Group 3

2:30-4 Group 4

Participant Cost: $150


Auditors/Spectators are welcome just turn up and bring a chair.

Auditor rate: $30 cash on the day

Lunch: $15

For questions about this clinic Contact:
Justin Haefner - 703.872.9878 - [email protected]


Winchester, VA






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