Desperate Dogs

Desperate Dogs All Inclusive Canine Hotel Resort & Doggy Day Care No one ever refuses a meal at DD! Separation anxiety? No problem!

Desperate Dogs is a luxury dog boarding hotel, canine adventure daycamp and a place where troubled dogs come to shake off some of the world's stresses....
Run by experienced canine behavior counsellor Penny Miller, her husband Peter and Ranch Manager Kristen Snyder, the dogs have the most incredible off leash experience to be had anywhere in the state of Georgia! There are 8.5 gorgeous acres of se

curely fenced meadows, woodlands, streams, a natural swim hole, a swimming pool, a huge covered barn for wet weather indoor/outdoor play.....the fun just never stops! For resting and sleep time, the Desperate Dogs Ranch experience is unlike anywhere else your dog has ever stayed. There are couches everywhere, carpeted rooms and soft, plush dog beds for your precious baby to sink into, enjoying the deepest of sleeps. Mealtimes are a major gastronomic event with fresh succulent meats and vegetables cooked daily and to each dogs' unique requirements by our 'doggy chefs' for our eager guests. DD is the perfect choice if your dog is thunder phobic; not only are our staff incredibly skilled with thunder phobia cases and have years of handling experience, the construction of the house, in sturdy 1960's block and brick with a buried basement, means that we have the perfect noise-muffling environment for the most thunder phobic dog. Our unique phased-integration and relationship-building protocols mean your dog will feel at home, comfortable and part of a new family in no time. Our whole ethos is to let a dog be a explore, to breathe, to move freely and to exercise all of the natural drives that dogs have. This, coupled with all of the touches of home, create an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort that bring about a state of mind where learning can take place, social skills can be learned and stresses can be cast off. Dogs always return home calmer, happier and more able to cope with life at home....and they often sleep for three days straight! We use no shock collars, pinch collars, choke chains or any other torture techniques; we do not engage with clients who use such devices unless they throw them in our trash.....all of our work is relationship based, kind and gentle. Think of us as kindly aunts and uncles who love your dog as much as you do, and who will go to untold lengths to achieve his or her happiness. Pooch Paradise exists.......and its right here in Winder, Georgia.


What a beautiful HUGE group of dogs!

Good morning DD Family ..... wishing everyone a safe and happy labor day weekend ###x

Good morning DD Family ..... wishing everyone a safe and happy labor day weekend ###x

In some small way we hope our photos bring some joy and help you through the week ..... have a blessed day DD family xx

In some small way we hope our photos bring some joy and help you through the week ..... have a blessed day DD family xx

OK DD family we dare you not to say "aww" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

OK DD family we dare you not to say "aww" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Yesterdayā€™s Dick of the Week post had us taking a trip down memory lane. See here a very young and very gorgeous Jaxson ...

Yesterdayā€™s Dick of the Week post had us taking a trip down memory lane.
See here a very young and very gorgeous Jaxson Fleming perched on the wall looking at Uncle Pete in his best super model pose.
And in the foreground, beautiful, gentle ā€˜biggest boy in the whole wide worldā€™ Rocco Shields.
Both of them immensely kind and gentle with big soppy hearts full of marshmallow.
We miss Rocco so much but we are happy that Jaxson is still going strong!


Okay, so let me get this out there, first of all....I am not someone who jumps on bandwagons.If you know me at all, you ...

Okay, so let me get this out there, first of all....I am not someone who jumps on bandwagons.
If you know me at all, you will know that I have for years judged people based on my own experience with them.
Yes, as a dog advocate, I have fought with God knows how many people over God knows how many issues, but I don't jump on bandwagons.
This week I want to talk about a 'dog trainer' who is not too far from us and who moved to Jefferson in recent years from Buford.
A self-styled Cesar Milan wannabe with lots of patter about being a 'dog psychology expert', we have had many, many clients who have brought their dogs to us after having had them there, each of whom has almost the same story, although some more upsetting than others.
I have written about this woman before, years ago when introducing new guests, sweet little Jaxson Fleming and big boy Rocco Shields to our Facebook family, but the stories seemed almost too fantastic for some to believe, I have been told, despite being absolutely true.
The reason I'm talking about her today is because social media has been set alight over the last week about how this lady abuses dogs, takes huge amounts of money for 'board and train' but does little training, charges a great deal for regular boarding but the dogs spend little time outside, and how dogs are physically abused, kicked and generally bullied while in her care.
It is a massive relief to me that this great wave of stories has been unleashed on social media, and that it has become so bad that this woman has been forced to actually remove her page because of the reviews.
Because you see, we have many clients who have transferred to us after having been clients there, who were told that we at DD had 'no idea about dog psychology', and yes, even labelled me a 'pu**y' to a large gathering of folks at a workshop she held.
This accusation was because we are well known for not tolerating the use of pinch, choke or shock collars and because we refuse to force dogs into doing anything they don't want to do.
There is a very good reason I am sharing this today and that is because I want you all to always remember just one thing.
Ready? Here goes..
"If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck, it's a duck".
When the Fleming family brought Jaxson home, they were determined that he would not be reactive like their former dog and so they took him to this facility, then located in Buford. They sat down with the head trainer / dog whisperer / bully-in-chief and explained that they wanted to make sure their dog would be safe around their children and visitors.
To 'temperament test' the dog, the 'trainer' proceeded to knuckle punch the poor puppy time after time on various parts of his body, upwards of 30 times, during which the family were horrified. "Trust that we know what we are doing" they were told "it is how we test for reactivity and aggression".
After 30 punches, little Jaxson, who is honestly the sweetest little man you'd ever meet, said enough is enough and growled at the trainer.
"Ahh, you see? He's very aggressive. We recommend our full 'immersion board and train program' where he stays with us for four weeks to get that out of him."
The Fleming family for a moment were taken in because, after all, she was the 'professional' right? So, they reluctantly left him and went away, but got just two minutes down the road, looked at each other and said, "No way is that right! That woman is just a bully".
They returned to pick up sweet little Jaxson who was petrified and a few weeks later, he joined the DD ranch family where he has been ever since.
Maribel Shields had the most amazing 230 pound Mastiff, Rocco, who went to that facility for boarding. After a few visits, they realized that their big, beautiful boy was urinating out of fear and pulling back as soon as they tried to get him out of the car. The son of the owner told them that he just needed to 'toughen up' and slipped a pinch and choke collar on him and 'helicoptered' him right in front of the family. As Rocco fought to breathe, Maribel and Mike realized that this was not dog training, it was actually just abuse and vowed 'never again'.
Rocco joined the DD family a little while after that happened and if you are familiar with his story, you will know that it took me months to build this boy's trust in humans outside of his family. He was broken. Not irretrievably, but broken none the less.
It is, to this day, one of the greatest, most fulfilling rehabilitation jobs I have ever had, and the day he trusted me enough to get into the swimming pool with me, I bawled like a baby. Rocco was one of the great loves of my professional life (he's the big goober on the front of my book 'It's okay, he's friendly') and I seriously wanted to hurt those that had put him through such pain, because he was just a kind soul, confused by how they saw him and how they treated him.
The big dog whom they felt needed to be 'mastered' and 'dominated', the dog who was tormented to gain compliance, was a kitten at DD. He used to sleep with a little 9 pound poodle, Khloe Horne, in the curve of his belly and once even broke my chair trying to get into my lap for a cuddle.
The only time I was ever terrified by that dog was after he drank a bowl of water and shook his big old head! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
Our walls will never be the same!
So many times in life, we trust people because of who they say they are and what they say they can do. We put our blind faith in anyone with a page or a website and then question ourselves as being in the wrong if things didn't turn out as planned. But please, folks, have a little faith in your own good sense.
If your dog doesn't want to enter the gates of a boarding or training facility, don't force him. He may need more time, or they may just be serial killers. Give him the benefit of the doubt.
If your dog doesn't want to have a relationship with the people looking after him, don't trust that person. You have a very clever animal who can smell epileptic fits, sniff out cancer sites on a person and can be trained to change the socks of a disabled person, so please trust him to be able to sniff out an a$$hole.
If anyone says that physical punishment is the way to gain compliance in dog training, then they are not dog trainers, they are bullies.
If anyone needs to use tools that stab, pinch, choke, shock or cut off the dogs' oxygen in order to get him to stop doing something, they are not dog trainers, they are abusers.
At the Ranch, we only employ people who are gentle, kind and empathic.
We honestly don't care if someone can get a dog to solve a Rubik's cube or sew on a button in thirty seconds. Good for them if they can, and whoop de doo, but here, we are all about just making them happy.
Because you see, making them happy reduces the levels of the stress hormone cortisol which is responsible for so many chronic illnesses in our pets today.
Stress is what drives dogs to react inappropriately to whatever stimulus is applied, be it social, environmental or physical.
When dogs are not stressed, they are open to learning.
No animal can take in and process training information when their oxygen is restricted or when their heart is pounding in pain or fear. It's like asking you to learn Pythagora's theorem while having a heart attack. Really, it's just like that.
When they learn calmly and the learning is reinforced with praise, patience and kindness, they make better decisions, develop better habits, and the lessons stick.
When dogs are not stressed they become open to forming relationships with other dogs and humans. They trust more, they invest more of their emotions, drop their guard and relax, and in so doing allow us to develop deep and lasting bonds with them.
Who benefits from that? Everyone.
This post is not about getting you to bring your dog to DD. It is about making sure you lean on your own understanding and become an advocate for your dog.
Many people on that person's social media said nothing for years because they doubted that their feelings were right, felt that maybe it wasn't abuse, maybe it was just 'how you got results'.
When one person came forward and told their story, so did others, and that's when it all started to fall down like a house of cards.
Do I want to ruin this woman's business by sharing this? Nope. I fear for the livelihood of her employees and want to make sure that she is able to maintain a living to feed her own large pack of dogs.
I would like her to learn from this and change the way she operates, learning to 'partner' instead of 'dominate'. It's never too late to learn new ways of doing things, one of them being that, with dogs, you get more with honey than vinegar.
All I want to do here is illustrate that you have to trust your gut and be prepared to walk if something looks abusive, hurtful and wrong to you.
You know why? Because it very likely is.
If it looks like a bully, acts like a bully and beats the $hit out of a dog like a's a bully.
And that's why she is our Dick of the Week.

Here's a great way to start your week DD fam ...... grab a coffee and enjoy another trip down memory lane - on this day ...

Here's a great way to start your week DD fam ...... grab a coffee and enjoy another trip down memory lane - on this day 2014 ###

At DD, we believe that time, empathy and respect are the greatest gifts we can ever bestow or receive

At DD, we believe that time, empathy and respect are the greatest gifts we can ever bestow or receive

One day in August back in 2017 (part 2) hope you enjoy ###

One day in August back in 2017 (part 2) hope you enjoy ###

Good morning everyone ...... it's August 2017 !!! hope you enjoy another DD trip down memory lane ###

Good morning everyone ...... it's August 2017 !!! hope you enjoy another DD trip down memory lane ###

Take me to paradise ..... the DD Ranch adventure hotel for lucky dogs since 2008. (photos this day August 2013).

Take me to paradise ..... the DD Ranch adventure hotel for lucky dogs since 2008. (photos this day August 2013).

ā€œBubba was my best good friend and even I know that ainā€™t something you can find just around the corner.ā€ -Forrest Gump ...

ā€œBubba was my best good friend and even I know that ainā€™t something you can find just around the corner.ā€ -Forrest Gump

On this day in August 2013 ....... fun and frolics at the DD Ranch ..... ah ain't life grand ? ###

On this day in August 2013 ....... fun and frolics at the DD Ranch ..... ah ain't life grand ? ###


Beautiful play with Fifi and Emmy puppy. What a lovely morning.


When that cute boy you met at the ranch last weekend is sleeping over tonight too šŸ˜

Good morning DD family ###

Good morning DD family ###

Me and my shadow ###x

Me and my shadow ###x

Some days you just want to find a spot in the shade and relax. Emma is doing vacation right at the ranch ā¤ļøā˜€ļøšŸ¾

Some days you just want to find a spot in the shade and relax. Emma is doing vacation right at the ranch ā¤ļøā˜€ļøšŸ¾

Long time followers of DD will remember with affection dear Levi, Desperate Dogs original staff team member and designat...

Long time followers of DD will remember with affection dear Levi, Desperate Dogs original staff team member and designated ā€˜Conciergeā€™ who worked with thousands (yes honestly thousands) of guests at the Ranch as well as countless more behavioral clients worked on by his Mum, Aunty Pen. Today would have been Leviā€™s 20th birthday and we would like to share with you some of our favorite photos of him - thereā€™s quite a few but trust me Uncle Pete has thousands more !!! We will leave you with his Staff Member Bio which was on the DD website when he was part of our workforce and donā€™t forget our working dogs really are that, working dogs ensuring your dog has the very best time at their favorite home from home. There is also a link here to an old blog where Aunty Pen shares Leviā€™s story and how he came to be our Concierge. Have a blessed day. We miss you Levi ###x

Leviā€¦ā€¦.the concierge.

Leviā€™s job here is to seek out the dogs that are fearful in this new (to them) space. No matter whether the dog is practicing the four responses of fight, flight, freeze or fool around, Levi will ā€˜latch ontoā€™ any fear case, be it puppy or oldie, and accompany them at a respectful distance, letting them know he is there to help. As their fear dissipates, so does his involvement in their case, and he then goes about his own business. He provides a backdrop of protective armor for first time nervous pups, sometimes he can be seen beckoning them towards the field to play, if he knows they would enjoy that environment better. Soft and gentle, like a doting uncle, Levi has helped thousands of dogs to trust and enjoy the freedom of the Ranch and to embrace relationships with other dogs.

Two is better than one wouldn't you agree ? xx

Two is better than one wouldn't you agree ? xx

It's Monday morning .... UGH ...... time for a POOL PARTY !!!

It's Monday morning .... UGH ...... time for a POOL PARTY !!!

Sexiest man alive 2024

Sexiest man alive 2024


Filthy video!! Absolutely DIRTY! NC-17 warning!

Time for some cuteness šŸ˜„

Time for some cuteness šŸ˜„


I could watch Buzz hunt all day long! This beautiful spaniel just wags and sticks his nose in all the wonderful spots to catch a critter. Look how happy he is! Dogs love the all natural environment here at the ranch because they get to be dogs all day and follow their nose.

Okay, so listen...this has literally NOTHING to do with dogs and I am just hoping my partner Aunty Kris will forgive me ...

Okay, so listen...this has literally NOTHING to do with dogs and I am just hoping my partner Aunty Kris will forgive me hijacking the DD Ranch page to ask a personal question.
I just needed to know if I am a freak show or if other people do this too?
When I am done with work for the day but I am still 'on call' for the senior sanctuary, I, like most people, sit and surf on my iPad.
But there's two things that will keep me captivated for HOURS. Like literally, Uncle Pete could tell me there's a new episode of 'Succession' and I wouldn't look up, I'm so engrossed.
One is a page called 'Blue Husky' where the guy cleans disgustingly filthy rugs.
Like, from black and grungy to as new.
I cannot turn off, can't even look away, until they are spotless.
I watch as he scrubs each one with a broom, there's masses of soap and foam, and then I want to watch all the dirt be sluiced away.
And I always wonder why he doesn't slip on the sopping wet tiled floor as he walks around cleaning the rug, I'm transfixed.
The other is...wait for it...I have no idea why I love this so much.....videos of Japanese people putting up inflatable tents.
Guys, I don't camp. I don't like bugs crawling up my a$$ and I am always frightened a bear will steal my dinner.
So why am I so obsessive about these videos?
Does anyone else have a weird iPad surfing habit?

Me and Kris may not be big on gymnastics (unless thereā€™s a red velvet cake balanced on top of some parallel bars, then w...

Me and Kris may not be big on gymnastics (unless thereā€™s a red velvet cake balanced on top of some parallel bars, then we become surprisingly limberšŸ¤£) but we do love this meme!

UPDATE! ATTENTION GWINNETT FOLKS!These dogs still have not been claimed. We have until lunchtime to try and find the own...

These dogs still have not been claimed.
We have until lunchtime to try and find the owners, after which they will be taken to the shelter in line with the three day rule for finding strays.
The Gwinnett shelter deems any dogs that are found stray if they are turned in more than three days after being found, as an owner surrender. Crazy I know, but they make the rules up to suit themselves. Because of the shelters being so full, owner surrenders are at far greater risk of being euthanized. Right now, there is very little chance of survival.
The person who found them cannot keep them, and if they go to the shelter, their chances of getting out alive are slim.
Please give it your all and SHARE SHARE SHARE TO FIND THE OWNERS! comments unless you can help us find the owners in anyway.

These two beautiful, well cared for dogs have been found by a caring individual, they were wandering stray in Norcross, on Buford Hwy.
Clearly they have been raised in a loving home so someone is no doubt desperate to be reunited with them.
Please can you SHARE SHARE SHARE as far and wide as possible so we can get them home?
The person who found them is going to keep them for 24 hours to give us time to locate the owner. After that, theyā€™d have to go to the Gwinnett shelter, and they are full to the brim.. so you know what that meansšŸ˜„.
Come on DD family, we ALWAYS get dogs home, donā€™t we?
SHARE to everyone you know, in every county and letā€™s do this!
If you know who they are, message us right away or text me on 678-9362771
There will be questions asked to prove ownership, FYI.

For years the very exclusive and most unique DD Mud Spa has brought great joy and fun to our VIP (and most naughty !!!) ...

For years the very exclusive and most unique DD Mud Spa has brought great joy and fun to our VIP (and most naughty !!!) guests here at the Ranch. Our posts always try to provide our DD family with an insight into the daily goings on after your pup has been dropped off at check-in and with so much negative and depressing news these days about wars, inflation, politics yada yada we hope these pics can bring a smile to your face ###x


My Dick of the Week this week is a competitor....
I know, I know, we don't normally play those games, but in this case, it was so shocking we had to share this story to make a point and save other families from upset.
About a week ago, a local lady posted on her social media telling folks about how she sent her dog to another (very local to us) boarding facility and the dog was barely fed.
She sent 30 cups of food along with feeding instructions to feed her pup one cup of food three times per day. However, when she picked her up 7 days later, there were only 8 cups of kibble used and the rest was returned to her in the bag.
Some of the comments under the post were rightly showing absolute disgust that the dog was underfed, while some of the kinder comments were explaining that in a new environment, some dogs feel stressed and just do not want to eat, and so that might explain why the dog was not given every portion of her food, if she was refusing to eat.
While the latter is true, we feel that if a dog is too stressed to eat, then there is something wrong with a) the environment or b) the capabilities of the folks taking care of the dog.
If Kris and I were unable to get a dog to eat within 24 hours, let alone 7 days, we would close down, and shut the doors immediately.....cos' sure as $hit we'd have no damn business taking care of dogs!
Folks, food is life. Literally.
For any dog to survive and thrive, it needs good, clean, fresh water and a full spectrum of protein, vitamins, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats etc.
Every. Single. Day.
Without ANY nutrition at all, the body fails acutely and instantly, leading over a short space of time, to brain damage, organ failure, the lot.
Your dog's body needs fuel to survive...without the fuel of food, metabolic function dwindles and every single system in your dogs' body goes into 'survival mode' doing the absolute bare minimum to preserve energy, and make sure it can just push out a breath.
Is that the kind of vacation she planned for her dog?
Of course not.
As a result of that post, which seems to have gone 'locally viral', Kris and I have fielded multiple calls from prospective new clients with picky eaters all asking the same question....
What do you feed your guests and how do you get them to eat if they don't want to?
Well, as a few of our 'picky eater' dog moms will tell you, we will stop at nothing to get a dog to eat.
We feed every single dog here every day with freshly cooked meat, vegetables, fruit, herbs, and some grains.
Because the food is so delicious, we get very few refusals, but if we have a dog with a medical condition like Cancer or Cushings disease, where their tastebuds are a tad 'off', we will roll out any and every possibility to get them eating, from toast with Kerrygold butter (we don't mess about, it's Irish butter or nothing!) to scrambled eggs with cheese or wild caught salmon. If they are still 'blah', we use thin liverwurst slices to get them started, as few dogs can resist that, and then a delicious casserole with a different meat to fill them up. Of course, we are always willing to make a 'Maccy run' for fresh cheeseburgers with no pickles, no onions and no sauce, or filet of fish, or chicken nuggets. In an emergency, they always work, as nothing beats the big yellow 'M' with its disgustingly effective balance of sugar and salt creating a true 'crave-ability factor'.
Because of our wide education, as well as our huge experience at 'Frankie and Andy's Place' senior dog and hospice sanctuary, we also know that dogs CANNOT eat if they are dehydrated or if they have low blood sugar. If so, we take care of that on site with either glucose applications or even fluids if necessary (and medically appropriate).
You want to see what we feed?
Feast your eyes on this.
Yes, it's made every day, twice a day.
Yes, it is all made from top quality ingredients, purchased from the same place you buy food for your human family.
Yes, we do sometimes eat it for dinner ourselves if we have had a long day amd can't be a$$ed to cook!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
Behold, our beautiful Weimaraner working dog, Rita Hayworth, modelling the charcuterie board of regular, every-day menu offerings to the DD Ranch boarding guests.
Clockwise from the top, you have 90% ground beef, 95% ground turkey followed by lean chicken breast. Our dog parents tell us which protein their dogs prefer and we serve accordingly
Protein is incredibly important for strength and brain function, but it needs to be lean as pancreatitis can be a concern with cheaper, fatty cuts.
More expensive? Yes.
Necessary? Absolutely.
For dogs that don't fancy meat, we scramble free-range pasture raised eggs. (Sometimes we add fresh wild caught salmon, if the dog prefers fish.)
At the bottom of the board is mashed sweet potato, a beautiful carb because it is satisfying, fiber-rich, a great serotonin (happy juice) enhancer, and low on the glycaemic index so it doesn't force a sugar rush.
Next up, green beans...easily digested, a fairly innocuous green vegetable that powers the system without scouring it.
Then we have white rice. In very small doses, it is a useful filler that provides carbohydrates for energy, white rice is SUPER EASY to digest and a good 'tummy warmer' providing a satisfying feeling of fullness while also providing a good gut 'insurance policy' against the $hits. Great for dogs that are nervous boarders or who have GI issues regularly.
At the top left you will see blueberries, and in the center you will see whole organic apple sauce. Why? For both antioxidants and a little 'acid' to balance out the alkali of the other foods.
Lastly, fresh parsley because it contains thiamine, iron and is full of vitamin C, and then ground flaxseed for those dogs that need it, to ensure they get enough Omegas. This is particularly important for the medical boarders we care for, some of whom have kidney or liver issues, joint problems, cancer or chronic skin issues.
Because of the balance we carefully administer in the foods we serve, dogs rarely get upset tummies at the DD Ranch, but they ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS eat their meals. And come back for seconds, and then ask for thirds!!!
They eat roughly 1.5 times the amount they would eat at home, and that is because they exercise so much, and also because the
BEST vacations are when you come home fat as a pig with a smile on your face, right?
We have been doing this for almost 20 years so we know a thing or two about boarding dogs and feeding them good food to make them happy and healthy.
We think that only an absolute dick would treat their guests in the way that this poor lady's dog was treated and not move heaven and earth to ensure that her dog ate.
So, to that local boarding facility we say, "Ugh, what a bunch of dicks", and "Shame, shame, shame on you!"

All Inclusive Canine Hotel Resort & Doggy Day Care


653 Gainesville Highway
Winder, GA


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Our Story

Desperate Dogs is a luxury dog boarding hotel and a specialist residential rehabilitation center for dogs with issues like socialisation, fear, aggression and separation anxiety, to name but a few... Run by experienced canine behaviourist Penny Miller and her husband Peter, the dogs enjoy hours of off leash activity in the three acre fenced meadow and the swimming pool; they sleep, as all dogs should do, on a couch!!! Decorated just like home, the Desperate Dogs experience is unlike anywhere else in the Southern concrete runs, no kennels, no cages unless we are potty training, dogs here quickly get to feel at home and to feel very relaxed. This relaxation and comfort bring about a state of mind where learning can take place, and so dogs always return home calmer, happier and more able to cope with life at home. We use no shock collars, pinch collars, choke chains or any other torture techniques and do not work with people who do....all of our work is relationship based and instills trust in the dog so that he will not fear humans ever. So, whether you have a problem dog, or you just want your dog to have the time of his life while youre away so you can have a guilt free vacation, give us a call and arrange a visit. Penny Miller took her first foray into the world of dog behavior eighteen years ago while living in Trinidad and Tobago where she and her family rescued and fed street dogs to teach her children value and compassion for all living things. Upon the family's return to Britain, after an introduction to dog behavior through British behaviorist Kendall Shepherd, she formally studied dog behavior and earned professional diplomas in Canine Behavior and Psychology, studied canine nutrition, wolf behavior, worked with British obedience and hunting dog trainers and studied the Amichien Dog Listener methods under Jan Fennell and Tony Knight. She has continued her education with distance learning of international dog behaviorists and attending seminars and workshops both here in the US and the UK. This provided the foundation of the work she does today, but nothing impacted her knowledge as much as the hands on work that she has done with shelter and rescue dogs. To date, Penny has worked with literally thousands of dogs, many of them last chance dogs that the shelters had deemed unadoptable, unmanageable and unplaceable. It was with these dogs that her most intense learning took place, and continues to do so. To date, she and husband Peter have fostered over 120 'problem' dogs, each of them with unique issues and thus a wealth of learning opportunities. Over the last seven years in the US, Penny has worked with countless rescues, including Alcovy Pet Rescue, Gracie's Place, Atlanta Lab, Gwinnett Humane Society, Hall County Humane Society to name but a few, and all pro bono........ Desperate Dogs gives a minimum of 20% of its time, talent or treasures every year to local and international dog charities and it is the goal to continue this mission that drives this unique business. Last year, Penny was approached by the Gwinnett County Sheriffs Department to work with their incredibly successful Jail Dogs Program, to work hands on with some of their aggression and fear cases. She now advises regularly at the jail on their problem dogs and provides free rehabilitation work on an ongoing basis. Penny is not a dog trainer, and doesn't pretend to be....her speciality is seeing life from the dogs perspective and solving dog problems using the dog's unique psychology and drives. This work is completely instinctual and differs from dog to dog, as no two cases, just like no two dogs, are ever alike. Whether she is working with a 120 pound German Shepherd with severe aggression issues or a tiny Maltese with fear issues, she works every case herself, hands on. Her belief is that if she can't handle your dog, then how can a client trust her to fix the problem? Plain speaking, to the point and with a very British sense of humour interwoven into everything she does, Penny has become well known for fixing the cases that others can't.....the Desperate Dogs Ranch has successfully rehabilitated hundreds upon hundreds of dogs that were otherwise destined for rehoming or euthanasia. This is achieved by a combination of instinctual dog handling and the building of close relationships with both the owners and dogs that continue long after the consult has ended or the dog has left the facility. The Desperate Dogs mission is to find simple solutions that are workable for both the human client as well as the dog, as continuing compliance with any methodology is only going to be achieved if the human client can find time and enthusiasm to follow it. Instinctual Dog Handling is a completely different's hands off, gentle and does not require mountains of food to be administered to the dog every second to get the required result. It does not allow for choke chains, shock collars or pinch collars and does not require dogs to be so called 'calm submissive'. It's about empowering the dog to find confidence and happiness within itself, and setting the dog free from the its own pain and fear.

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