The Ministry of Dog

The Ministry of Dog Welcome to Ministry of Dog, an educational and shopping experience that celebrates all that we know

DD Family...Did we ever help you out?Did you ever reach out to us for advice on an issue with your dog? If so, you will ...

DD Family...Did we ever help you out?
Did you ever reach out to us for advice on an issue with your dog?
If so, you will know that we bend over backwards to help anyone who needs us, because of our commitment to saving and improving the lives of any dog who needs us, and to keeping dogs out of the shelter system.
Many of you tell us that your dogs would not be here today without the nutrition advice, health and wellness or behavioral advice we have given you FOR FREE when you needed it.
For that we are very happy.
Today, though, its US that need YOU.
We are asking for you to give a little back.
We need your donations to fund our award winning senior dog sanctuary, growing community outreach program and 24/7, 365 free advice line for those who need us. That free advice service improved and saved the lives of over 300 dogs last year.
Were you one of those owners?
If so, instead of spending $50 at Target today on a pile of useless crap you probably won't even use, you could be donating $50 and receiving a brilliantly funny and informative guide to solving pain and inflammation issues, and preventing future pain and inflammation, in your dog.
$50 gets you an entertaining read AND pays a nice big chunk of change to Frankie and Andy's Place award winning senior dog sanctuary and healing center for humans.
Without this, we can't keep doing what we do, so please, forget the Louis Vuitton lookalike purse. Everyone's going to know its not the real thing anyway.
Forget the massive 10 carat cubic zirconia ring that's knocked down in price. We all know you don't have the money to buy the Koh-I-Noor diamond.
And girlfriend...pass on the 8 inch heeled thigh-high leather boots that make you look like 'Miss Whiplash'. They're only gonna break your bloody neck....
Instead, please go to and grab a book to help save lives.

Today sees the launch of Aunty Pen's latest book, 'Ouch! A Simple Guide to Pain and Inflammation in your Dog'.Pain and i...

Today sees the launch of Aunty Pen's latest book, 'Ouch! A Simple Guide to Pain and Inflammation in your Dog'.
Pain and inflammation is a subject that is going to hit all of us dog owners at some point, and when it comes, it can hit you like a wrecking ball from the get-go...or, conversely, it can creep up on you unawares and leave you floundering. Well, we don't want that, do we?
Either way, this little book has got you covered!
Complete with lots of advice, tips, some tricks and even some 'adult-ish', funny cartoons to help make the learning stick, this is the book that no dog owner should be without!
But wait! There's more! (As they say on QVC)🤣
Every copy sold brings much needed dollars to our Senior Dog Sanctuary, Frankie and Andy's Place, the nationally-acclaimed canine hospice facility right here in Winder.
We take in the old, end-of-life dogs no one else wants to, and we give them a beautiful forever home and love for the rest of their days and then we take them out in the community to spread love and sunshine to whomsoever needs it, its a total win-win!
This incredible mission exists solely because of your generosity, and we hope and pray that you will please support our work by buying this book and helping us to fund another year of saving these sweet old dogs, so that they can help people.
PLEASE give as generously as you can at and SHARE SHARE SHARE this post!
Thank you as always for your gracious support.

Thank you to Jane Eastham  Dapper for supporting our mission!

Thank you to Jane Eastham Dapper for supporting our mission!

Made with love from California’s finest grape growing regions, our wines give hope to the people and causes that matter most to you. With 10% of your purchase donated from every bottle, we are nourishing the future for generations to come.

We are so excited to announce Penny's best one yet ..... watch this space for updates about the November 14th release. P...

We are so excited to announce Penny's best one yet ..... watch this space for updates about the November 14th release. Please SHARE and help us spread the news xx

What's happening on November 14th?
This little baby, thats what!
Aunty Pen's new book about pain and inflammation is available in just ten days and this one is VERY different from the others!
Watch this space!
If you love what we do and want us to keep on doing it, we want you to buy one PLEEEEEEEEEEEZ.

WOW we are so blessed - another awesome sponsor Angel Oak Home Loans announcement for our October 22nd fundraiser event ...

WOW we are so blessed - another awesome sponsor Angel Oak Home Loans announcement for our October 22nd fundraiser event hosted by welcomehomedoggie and sponsored by Dr. Baker's System Saver please help us spread the word and SHARE now xx

We are VERY excited to announce that Angel Oak Home Loans will be the official sponsor of "Who Are You Wearing?" at Welcome Home Doggie TV's 'Dog Gon' Movie' event on Saturday October 22nd at Henderson Park, Tucker, Georgia from 5pm -9pm.

The event, which premieres the upcoming movie "Helping Hands, Healing Paws...The Frankie and Andy's Place Story" will be a true family affair (yep, dogs are welcome too!) complete with food trucks, vendors, games, giveaways and so much more, but best of all, it's a chance for your dog to feel like the star of the show!

As you know, every movie premiere has a very prestigious 'Red Carpet' segment where flashbulbs pop, the crowd swoon, and some fabulous, model-like creature asks all the attendees what they are wearing.
Well, because we are ALL about the dogs, THIS red carpet is going to be all about what the POOCHES are wearing and for a $50 donation to help fund FAAP's work, you and your bedazzled pooch can be photographed professionally as you swan about on the red carpet.
Frankie and Andy's very own gorgeous 'model-like creatures', co-founders Penny and Krystle Andrews, will be hosting this spectacular segment, complete with microphones, glitz, pupparazzi..the lot!😂
Angel Oak Home Loans have been huge supporters of Frankie and Andy's Place Holistic Senior Dog Sanctuary for years and we are so glad they will be with partnering with welcomehomedoggie who are hosting this prestigious fund raising event.
What are you waiting for? Contact us today and lets make YOUR pup one of the stars of the show!
Please everyone SHARE this and help us spread the word xx


We'd love to see you at this awesome fundraiser event for Frankie and Andys Place with our hosts welcomehomedoggie and main sponsors Dr. Baker's System Saver please SHARE and help us spread the word ###

Some great information on canine cancer and lots more here please SHARE and help us spread the word x

Some great information on canine cancer and lots more here please SHARE and help us spread the word x

It is estimated that 60% of dogs will die of cancer, and many of the senior dogs that come to live out their days at the beautiful Frankie and Andy's Place c...

Frankie and Andy’s Place is delighted to announce our incredibly exciting new annual fundraiser, hosted by our wonderful...

Frankie and Andy’s Place is delighted to announce our incredibly exciting new annual fundraiser, hosted by our wonderful partners welcomehomedoggie TV.

October 22nd is the big day.

Henderson Park in Tucker is the location.

And the main feature? A movie about Frankie and Andy’s Place!

Yep, the world premiere of ‘Helping Hands, Healing Paws, the Frankie and Andy’s Place Story’ will be the main event, but oh, there will be SO much more…..

Bring your dog and the whole family to come and have a wonderful food, fun and frolic-filled evening, celebrating the cast aside senior dogs who now live like the lifestyles of the rich and famous!

Eat your heart out, Kardashians, it’s time to celebrate frosty faces, wet noses, dog hair and saggy balls!

Ticket information

It's National Book Lovers Day so why not celebrate and check out you ...

It's National Book Lovers Day so why not celebrate and check out you know you want to 😂😂😂

Penny Miller is a Georgia based, British-born, behavior counsellor and serial dog rescuer. She and her husband, Peter, started the canine behavioral rehabilitation business, Desperate Dogs, from the basement of their Georgia home in December 2006; firm in their beliefs that freedom, love, comfort, s...

We have given away LOADS of bottles of Pet Wellbeing Life Gold to rescues all over Georgia and beyond, to help them with...

We have given away LOADS of bottles of Pet Wellbeing Life Gold to rescues all over Georgia and beyond, to help them with their cancer patients, and will continue to do so until we help all the dogs we can.
As we stated at the start of this campaign, we always planned to help the rescues first, as so many take in cancer stricken dogs and cats and need all the help they can get.
Now, two weeks later, and just in time for our Facebook Live program on Welcome Home Doggie TV, and in conjunction with Pet Wellbeing, we will be sending two bottles of Pet Wellbeing Life Gold cancer support for dogs and cats to anyone who makes a $25 donation to Frankie and Andy's Place and marks their donation 'Pet Wellbeing Life Gold'. Leave your name and address on our Flipcause site and you will have two bottles winging their way to you in no time. The $25 covers our postage, packing and staff time (meh, and maybe a few bucks to buy some cookies for our seniors, we know you won't begrudge that!) but if you know this product at all, you will know that two bottles represents an amazing $80 ++ value!!!
This is an unbeatable offer for anyone who has a pet suffering with cancer and is feeling like all hope is lost. It may not be......we have seen this stuff work literally miracles in mere days and it very well could do the same for your pet!
If you have a pet diagnosed with cancer, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to help our seniors at Frankie and Andy's Place...and help your own sweet furbaby too!

Check out Pet WellBeing Life Gold Campaign by Frankie And Andy's Place, Inc.!

Frankie and Andy's Place, in association with Pet Wellbeing are offering FREE bottles of Pet Wellbeing Life Gold for any...

Frankie and Andy's Place, in association with Pet Wellbeing are offering FREE bottles of Pet Wellbeing Life Gold for any rescue, sanctuary or shelter that needs it.
All you have to do is tell us how many bottles of it you need and we will set it aside for collection.
A few people have contacted me and asked why we are doing this and that this seems too good to be true.
Well, it's like this....
A little while ago, transitioned their product from glass bottles to plastic bottles, so they can't sell their inventory of glass bottled product as it's out of date compared to the new packaging. It still has two years of use though.
They have almost 1000 bottles that they couldn't use and so we said "we know a bunch of dogs that could use that" with the thought that we could use some and give some to other rescues who have dogs with cancer.
There is NO catch, I promise, we just want to help every dog with cancer that we can.
If you follow our page you will know that every single dog we have at the cabins with cancer takes this product twice a day and it works. They feel better almost instantly, they eat, they have better sleep, they live longer. Yep, that's a big statement, but scroll back to our story of Dakota a few months ago and see for yourself. She went from dying on her feet with euthanasia being scheduled, to running around the cabin yards like Roadrunner in just a matter of days! She still has cancer, of course, but the difference is, she doesn't FEEL like she has it anymore. She feels like a spring chicken and that's priceless!
We call this stuff a 'miracle in a bottle' because it really can be.
Please share this with a rescue, sanctuary or shelter that you know and have them email me to [email protected] and we will make sure that as many bottles as they need are put aside for them to collect.
Please help us to help them and SHARE SHARE SHARE to help dogs suffering with cancer today.

We all know we should be feeding organ meat to our dogs to complete their nutrition, right? But dear God that $hit is gr...

We all know we should be feeding organ meat to our dogs to complete their nutrition, right? But dear God that $hit is gross isn't it? Who wants to squelch liver and guts all over their kitchen counter tops just so Fido can have a good liver, heart, lung or kidney boost? Not when theres an alternative!
At our senior dog sanctuary, and for our own dogs, we use a dessicated organ and gland supplement in their daily food. We use Guts and Glory by Four Leaf Rover, but there are plenty of other brands out there if you do your research. Just a tiny spoon mixed into their moistened food is a huge boost to their health....without all the nasty crap on your fingers!

“It’s OK Forrest, I’ve got this” says Frankie and Andy’s Place Global Ambassador Pat Mitchell as she takes off on her mo...

“It’s OK Forrest, I’ve got this” says Frankie and Andy’s Place Global Ambassador Pat Mitchell as she takes off on her momentous '60 x 60' project at the EXACT SPOT where Forrest Gump stopped running 😂😂😂🏃‍♀️.

Check out her adventures at our 'Friends of Frannie' page as Pat travels across the US and Overseas to complete 60 x 5k runs in 60 locations raising awareness for her favourite charity, Frankie and Andy’s Place. Pat will be visiting a public library and school in each town along the way and donating copies of her wonderful, uplifting children’s book, 'Frannie and the Skunk Who Couldn’t Skunk'. Please SHARE with your friends and help us spread the word about Frankie and Andy’s Place. x

Copies of “Frannie and the Skunk Who Couldn’t Skunk” are available at


Our new Global Ambassador at Frankie and Andy's Place, Pat Mitchell, is just setting off on 60 (yes 60) 5K runs in 60 locations both in the US and across the world ....... and all along the way she will spreading the good news about Frankie and Andy's Place ...... how cool is that ? So where better to start this adventure in 2022 (Pat already has run in Laramie, Wyoming & Golden, Colorado in 2021), that we will be following all along the way, than the place where Forrest Gump stopped running ........ go Pat go !!! 🏃‍♀️

It's Giving Tuesday. Will you help us save even more senior dogs?

It's Giving Tuesday. Will you help us save even more senior dogs?

Check out November 30, 2021 by Frankie And Andy's Place, Inc.!

It’s OK, He’s Friendly 😂😂😂Click here NOW and Support our senior dog sanctuar...

It’s OK, He’s Friendly 😂😂😂

Click here NOW and Support our senior dog sanctuary, Frankie and Andy’s Place, Giving Season Campaign which starts TODAY and get a FREE COPY of our very own Penny Millers latest book “Its OK, He’s Friendly” the canine behaviour guide YOUR dog wants YOU to read...... and please please please SHARE with your friends xx

It's flea season and those little bastards REALLY love your dog! Prevention is always less work intensive than trying to...

It's flea season and those little bastards REALLY love your dog! Prevention is always less work intensive than trying to eliminate them once there's an infestation, so be proactive to make your life easier! At the DD Ranch we use Cedarcide Original spray [] and it has been a safe, non-toxic solution to ticks and fleas for pets, people and our home for over 12 years! Remember, if there's a list of warnings on the packaging telling you to seek help immediately if you, your fish or your cat come into contact with your dog's Big Pharma flea preventative, then ask yourself just how safe it is to have on your dog or in your home?

If you were thinking of donating $100 to our awesome award winning senior dog sanctuary Frankie and Andy’s Place now mig...

If you were thinking of donating $100 to our awesome award winning senior dog sanctuary Frankie and Andy’s Place now might be a good time 🤔 buy a ticket TODAY and you could win yourself a Pockets Warhol original painting limited to 25 tickets that’s pretty good odds right ? Please SHARE with your friends and help us spread the word xx

Eight years ago, we put on our application forms at Desperate Dogs that we do not accept flea collars on our guests on t...

Eight years ago, we put on our application forms at Desperate Dogs that we do not accept flea collars on our guests on the property.
When people have asked us why, we have always told them that they are dangerous, are responsible for large numbers of deaths every year [and thats just the reported ones! Many don't get officially reported] and the side effects of these things are far FAR worse than your dog getting ticks or fleas.
On top of that, no one can convince me that it's safe for a human being to touch and play with their dog while he's wearing one, or for another dog to come into contact with it during play.
Please read this article, and then get that bloody thing off of your dog's neck.
And then PLEASE scrub your hands thoroughly is, after all, a poison.

Pet owners can provide their comments on the Seresto collar.

If you don't know about our senior dog sanctuary please go to and SHARE with your friends a...

If you don't know about our senior dog sanctuary please go to and SHARE with your friends and help us spread the word ###

​Frankie and Andy’s Place is a unique combination of senior dog shelter and emotional healing center for troubled humans. Two beautiful log cabins, nestled in a picturesque Barrow County woodland...

Relax ........ it's nearly the weekend 😂😂😂

Relax ........ it's nearly the weekend 😂😂😂

This weeks Aunty Pen rant aka 'Dick of the Week' has nothing to do with dogs (yeah I know right ?)....... but neverthele...

This weeks Aunty Pen rant aka 'Dick of the Week' has nothing to do with dogs (yeah I know right ?)....... but nevertheless well worth checking out at as always we hope you enjoy and please SHARE with your friends and help us spread the word ###

Check out today how you can help Frankie and Andy's Place and it's new Boris Cabin Campaign. Super Dooper Kids Books hav...

Check out today how you can help Frankie and Andy's Place and it's new Boris Cabin Campaign. Super Dooper Kids Books have pledged to match fund every dollar raised up to $10,000 so please visit today and SHARE with your friends and help Frankie and Andy's Place spread the word ###

At Desperate Dogs, we interviewed many many hundreds of dogs, who told us exactly what THEY were looking for in a vacati...

At Desperate Dogs, we interviewed many many hundreds of dogs, who told us exactly what THEY were looking for in a vacation destination, and we listened.
Here’s what we learned…

If you're thinking about using Desperate Dogs sorry we do not accept clients who use the following types of collars; pin...

If you're thinking about using Desperate Dogs sorry we do not accept clients who use the following types of collars; pinch collars, shock collars or choke chains. We are, however, happy to discuss alternatives and to help you achieve non-punishing training techniques. Check out today Georgia's premier home from home for your dog, there's simply nowhere else like it. Please SHARE with your friends and help us spread the word xx

If you weren't one of the 1,290 lucky people who downloaded for FREE Aunty Pen’s new book “Frosty-Faced and F*cking Fabu...

If you weren't one of the 1,290 lucky people who downloaded for FREE Aunty Pen’s new book “Frosty-Faced and F*cking Fabulous... love, life and good health with your senior dog” over Christmas, which raised $33,302.84 in donations for Frankie and Andy’s Place, there’s good news today ……. you can go to today and buy either a paperback or hardback version of the book. This is Aunty Pen’s second book and we hope you enjoy her latest hilarious, factual and anecdotal offering just as much as you did her first book Cut the Crap … a simple non nonsense guide to feeding your dog ….. please SHARE with your friends and help us spread the word xx


653 Gainesville Highway
Winder, GA


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This is what we do ......

The Ministry of Dogs ......... whatever we do ....... it’s all about the dogs

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