Trailside Canine

Trailside Canine Penn Foster Educated. Insured. 12yrs experience. AKC Evaluator. AKC Fit Dog Club. AKC Fetch judge.

This weeks weather has been absolutely brutal. Very difficult for us and several others we know, despite the best effort...

This weeks weather has been absolutely brutal. Very difficult for us and several others we know, despite the best efforts made.

Classes will resume only when it’s safe. In looking at next week’s weather we may be in a similar standing as this week. Business comes last, to everyone’s dogs well being and we stand by that.

Keep your pups close and safe and out of the heat. Hug them tight. Remind them every day how important they are.


Reminder yet again that on leash greetings should not happen, for any reason. Especially with other strange dogs in a public setting.

To be extra extra safe, give space to others and keep your distance. This ideally should go for strange humans as well- unless training a puppy that is working on purposeful socialization.

Sometimes we have to push our dogs buttons and force them to do things they don’t want to like cool off in the AC for a ...

Sometimes we have to push our dogs buttons and force them to do things they don’t want to like cool off in the AC for a while.

This is where a working or sporting dogs OFF SWITCH comes in handy. In fact it’s essential.

That forced down time in health or emergency situations is crucial. When we say enough, it has to be enough and they have to be ok with it. For their own good and well being.

A dog without a •taught• off switch - can be anxious, hyperaware, destructive, combative with other dogs and more prone to injury or heat stroke.

We tell them “Kennel or Place” and “It’s not forever! Take a break, chill out, take a rest and we’ll go back to it in a while.”


Offering 3 free training sessions to any approved adopter of hers! Someone give her a go and let’s work together to mend...

Offering 3 free training sessions to any approved adopter of hers! Someone give her a go and let’s work together to mend her issues!


Classes are canceled, tonight through Friday ⚡️Due to dangerous heat. Pm us to schedule!

Classes are canceled, tonight through Friday ⚡️
Due to dangerous heat.

Pm us to schedule!

Dogs tested to their absolute limits and succeeding! (Yes obviously these are extreme athletes) However- all too often w...

Dogs tested to their absolute limits and succeeding! (Yes obviously these are extreme athletes)

However- all too often we underestimate the mental toughness of most dogs and yet people shudder at the thought of encouraging them to be challenged, to be pushed, to move beyond their fears.

A confident, exposed dog is not only successful but HAPPY. Less stressed. This is crucial to a well rounded companion and a dog in sport.

Not local but an amazing opportunity! Would love to attend one year!

Not local but an amazing opportunity!
Would love to attend one year!

MUZZLE TRAINING y’all Today was a great day while we’re all out here keeping everyone cool to do some casual muzzle trai...


Today was a great day while we’re all out here keeping everyone cool to do some casual muzzle training. 5 mins per dog is quite enough!

We had a huge accomplishment today as well with one of the adult dogs we took in as a surrender last year and successfully got his nails done (3.5 feet to be exact) without any bites. This is huge for him.

Mainly because he himself is huge- and managed to unmuzzle himself in a fit of rage each time we worked it, despite all previous slow intros. He’s too smart. He could smell it coming! I mean, we did it all.

Regardless he needed his nails done, they were simply getting too bad and it’s a huge pet peeve of mine. Not only did we get it done but we finished positive and will finish the last foot tomorrow, in the same manner.

Proud of him. Proof that you never give up!

Me when someone asks for advice on purchasing a working breed….Are you sure?!

Me when someone asks for advice on purchasing a working breed….

Are you sure?!

Training is a long term, consistent process friends! 📚One of our biggest qualms as trainers, admittedly, is the fight fo...

Training is a long term, consistent process friends! 📚

One of our biggest qualms as trainers, admittedly, is the fight for consistency in dog owners.

Many trainers rely on board a trains to be successful because why? We know as trainers we can 100% get it done for your dog. If it’s just us and the dog, we get it done.

When it comes down to training the OWNERS, we then need to work in the life scheduling that comes with training teams of dogs & humans.

Every one is busy busy! 🛻

Unfortunately what we see is owners that come in for an eval and one or two sessions but fade out by session 3, 4, 5, 6 as the scheduling becomes difficult.

Then comes a message in 6mos or a year that the dog is struggling and we need to start over at the foundation level.

CONSISTENCY is probably number one with dogs. I’d rate it well up there near number one.

The day you decide to start is the day you decide to stick with it LONG TERM. Every week, every month, every day.

Without consistency, there is no success friends. Definitely something to keep in mind as you grow and learn! 🙂

Photos of our HOT WEATHER PROTOCOL!Just kidding but yes in general for the next 4 days this is what we always recommend ...


Just kidding but yes in general for the next 4 days this is what we always recommend as a reminder:

•Work your dogs before 10am and after 6pm
•No car rides unless short and to the point
•No pavement whatsoever
•Natural shade > dog houses or shelters!
•Watch for signs of heat stroke
•Acclimate your dogs to heat! Get them out every day in it through the summer! The same as cold weather acclimation! Dogs can adapt and adjust with short periods of exposure
•Frozen yogurt and veggies can make days more fun

Life doesn’t stop due to weather but there are ways we can make it easier! Make our ACOs job a bit easier this week! Have fun!

🤣 True and TO THE POINT!


True and TO THE POINT!


I love cases that challenge me! And yes, some still do! It really forces my creativity and I appreciate it! Tilly had an...

I love cases that challenge me! And yes, some still do! It really forces my creativity and I appreciate it!

Tilly had another fantastic session today and these for her, are pretty multi faceted.

Her goals are:

Reliable stay- at left, with distractions
Heel in proper position with wheelchair
Reducing her reactivity
Building better/safer leash communication
Giving her a job and some fun!

We worked lots of voice commands and place today, a bit of stay, we tested her reactivity a bit and worked through it beautifully. Shes learning that good engagement with her handler and focusing in when asked.

She is so very smart and motivated!
Good job!

Relevant post coming, I swear! Ha. As I was going through photos this morning I noticed this ever so slight detail and i...

Relevant post coming, I swear! Ha.

As I was going through photos this morning I noticed this ever so slight detail and it was so CRUCIAL to what I try to teach here that I had to post.

I want you to look in the upper left hand corner of these photos and notice the HANDS. Moreso, the *fingers*

There are many trainers out there in the bird dog world that cross train horses and dogs, why? Because we need them on field trials, hunts and during our training sessions and because the training crosses over so closely.

When I speak to new clients of leash pressure and communication, with the Wonder Lead or the slip lead, this is the type of leash handling I want you to make your goal.

*One finger, two finger holds. Is the end goal.*


Slight, almost unnoticeable communication in pressure and cues but it’s there! If you look closely.

This horse is 1500lbs and rides like a bull out of hell. Truly. She is strong, powerful, heavy and headstrong. If you yank at her face with full fists she ignores it and pushes through you. Why? Because she can! She’s stronger than her riders.

If I communicate slightly, gently, as shown in these photos, she hears me. She can tune in and listen to what I’m asking. This is the same in leash work. In any dog of any size.

Now this has nothing to do with positive only, FF training, it’s deeper than that. More intricate than that. I am being her leader and giving her firm direction. I’m just doing it in a way that is clear and subtle.

That’s what I want to see in your communication with your dog. Clear, slight, concise.

One of our clients and a previous puppy of ours, Ash! Trying her hand at Fastcat today! She may not have had the fastest...

One of our clients and a previous puppy of ours, Ash! Trying her hand at Fastcat today! She may not have had the fastest run but she had fun and that’s what dog sports are about!

We love it.

We hear often that folks worry about the misconception with dog training- that says that once they start serious obedien...

We hear often that folks worry about the misconception with dog training- that says that once they start serious obedience work or behavioral training, their dog will never have fun again.

It will all be strict corrections, restriction, boundaries, etc. No permissive moments of free time.

📍 Yes- in the beginning you’ll see a lot of that as we create those good habits. You’ll see many changes that need to happen and it will take time and dedication 📍

The funny part about this training is that once it begins and you end up moving at a good pace- the FREEDOM IS CREATED ✨ through those skills we develop.

In our book, solid training and fun and play all work together. With better manners, clear boundaries and communication, you can then open up those doors to more freedom and more fun. They work hand in hand!

Many well trained dogs, also have the most fun! Take it from this wild group here.

Tilly & Maeve! These two girls, in for some issues with prey drive and situational reactivity.Their mom has put a lot of...

Tilly & Maeve!

These two girls, in for some issues with prey drive and situational reactivity.

Their mom has put a lot of prior training into them despite the challenge of being in a wheelchair and to be quite honest- she’s a testament to how there are truly *No excuses* in this- that if you are dedicated and determined enough to whatever your endeavor, you’ll succeed. No excuses. We love that!

Both girls have decent manners and are a joy to be around, again showing the work their Mama has put in.

Reactivity and frustration can and will arise in some dogs, despite having a decent foundation already in place. We use that existing obedience to build an even stronger foundation of confidence, exposure, a calm mindset and impulse control. Stay tuned to watch them shine! ✨

It’s amazing how that “first dog” really changes you. The first one to either introduce you to the breed or to that life...

It’s amazing how that “first dog” really changes you. The first one to either introduce you to the breed or to that lifestyle.

4 years ago we lost our first purebred Bloodhound Hank- and we miss his presence still. We are reminded of him in the pack of BHs we have currently! Ha.

We remember our first German Shorthair, our first GSD, etc and those dogs that made us who we are. The dogs that introduced us to the breeds we love so much.

We knew after Hank and all of his crazy stories that we’d always have to have a bloodhound at our side. He lived a life of hell before us but man he lived gloriously in those last few years 🩵

Statistics don’t lie friends.Let’s change the stigma to end judgement of fit dogs out in public, and move our focus to t...

Statistics don’t lie friends.

Let’s change the stigma to end judgement of fit dogs out in public, and move our focus to the obesity epidemic within our companion dog population. Obesity kills and it’s no secret.

We always say- if you’re fit, chances are your dog is fit too. Make it a priority to get out there TOGETHER and engage in physical activity with your dogs.

You will BOTH benefit! ✨🐾

Obstacle work tires your dog mentally and physically conditions their body to keep them in great shape. It creates a con...

Obstacle work tires your dog mentally and physically conditions their body to keep them in great shape.

It creates a confident, capable, well rounded dog!

We use it for many purposes here.

A beautiful shady night for obstacles and woods work! We just love this time of night. Peaceful and cool! ✨

A beautiful shady night for obstacles and woods work! We just love this time of night. Peaceful and cool!

Xena came here a few months ago with the absolute inability to be off leash, ever. She was a full flight risk and we kne...

Xena came here a few months ago with the absolute inability to be off leash, ever. She was a full flight risk and we knew if she got loose she’d need to be trapped to find her way back. It just couldn’t happen.

She was too fearful, too insecure, too unhandled. She’d never recall to a human.

Now here we are, finally this week after limitless time and work- watching her virtually beat all of our fastest dogs at off leash sprints!

Just now reaching the later parts of her training journey, learning what a bit of freedom feels like. She’s still got a ways to go with her recall but this is a big step and we’re proud.

Xena is still waiting on her permanent family and boy they will be lucky to have her. She is a blast! And has real FastCat potential with some further work and training! 🌟

There are many forms of therapy..We see some of the greatest results with animals. We love our days with the local senio...

There are many forms of therapy..

We see some of the greatest results with animals. We love our days with the local seniors.

Pony especially hops her way right in there to visit!

Not a fan of reposting anything TikTok but this is an important clip. *I don’t know this trainers background or her styl...

Not a fan of reposting anything TikTok but this is an important clip.

*I don’t know this trainers background or her style, I don’t know or agree or disagree with anything about her*

My only comment here is this and it’s why my policies stand the way they do.

*ANY DOG with these tendencies, past, present, future, should only be trained in home or out of home with a well fitting muzzle on. That is the difference in someone’s life- or lack the of, after scenarios like this.*

Whether you are attempting to train your own dog like this woman appears to, or whether you’re working with a trainer- if there is behavior present that even resembles this- a muzzle is non negotiable, I don’t care about your opinions or reservations on it.

Until you’ve seen the injuries a dog of this caliber can cause someone, you do not get to say “But he’s fine. He’s selective. He’s such a good boy with my kids!” No. He’s a ticking time bomb and this woman was just quick in her reaction time, thankfully.

If your trainer isn’t suggesting this, it’s time to switch. There is no “treating” the dog out of this situation. Be selective in your pursuits for advice and help friends! 🙂 Can this dog be helped? Potentially! But let’s be safe in our journey to get there!

2782 likes, 524 comments. “We work with many dogs with aggressive and anxious behaviors, and usually they’ve been through other programs first. Meet Athena the Rottie. She is already doing much better after just a few months of treatment. We’ve been documenting her ongoing journey, from where ...

Proud of this smart girl!She is hooked on AKC FETCH and we love it!Congrats! 🌟

Proud of this smart girl!

She is hooked on AKC FETCH and we love it!
Congrats! 🌟

If I had to narrow it down to something easy to understand- I’d say this. Our number one focus here in behavioral traini...

If I had to narrow it down to something easy to understand- I’d say this. Our number one focus here in behavioral training overall, is this-

•Neutral, indifferent, confidence

Obviously there’s much more to say on that statement and many other things we work toward- but my goal here is always above all, to give people •stable social safe• dogs. No matter what.

Teaching humans how to create that in their dogs and in their home is the end purpose. Now, we vary off of that depending on the dog and the purpose or the issues at hand but if you ask me IF I’d rather have a dog that is a leader in their sport but a MENACE in the home, or a so-so dog at their sport but is stable as all get out, I’m going to choose the latter, especially for 90% of my clients.

Pictured here- Rebel was working on a calm mind, out in one of the most difficult situations we’ve tested him in as of late.

- Humans running in all directions, only feet from him
- Balls thrown everywhere
- Kids running amok
- Dirtbikes, scooters, BMX bikes flying around
- Strangers
- BLARINGLY loud music
- Other dogs

He was a little nervous but looked toward my leadership for confidence and passed with absolute flying colors. Foolproof behavior from a 75lb, 6mo old dog. Exceedingly proud.

Smart girl Brontë focusing on her impulse control, patience and getting that brain working.Brontë is so smart that she b...

Smart girl Brontë focusing on her impulse control, patience and getting that brain working.

Brontë is so smart that she becomes easily frustrated without stimulation and will redirect with jumping, nipping or leash tugging when she doesnt receive it.

She is super athletic and shows great promise with obstacle work! The perfect activity for her to use her mind!


This is a great video to show the very slight leash cues that we teach in class. So slight they’re barely there but OH they matter.

Watch close you’ll see it.

That’s the precise communication the leash brings- plus the right timing and leash type and you’re golden.

Sporty Saturdays! Petro & Pony ran their hand at Fastcat practice, held by Versatile K9 in Manchester. Petro left with t...

Sporty Saturdays!

Petro & Pony ran their hand at Fastcat practice, held by Versatile K9 in Manchester. Petro left with the second fastest time at 39mph! For his first run ever.

While Pony decided the lure was pretty darn scary and that she’d rather watch! 🤣

All in all, a great time and the kids even enjoyed themselves! Definitely something to have your speedy dogs try if they have any level of herding or prey drive!


Windham, CT


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