So most of you guys who has been following this page for a while may remember Cayden. My lil hand raised joey that I raised from a day oop. Well he is still doing well, and beyond spoiled rotten. He absolutely loves belly rubs and giving kisses.
Baby Cayden.. Our lil rejected hand raised baby oop July 20,22 and my 3 yr old granddaughter.
#Cayden #rejectedjoey #handraised #sugarglider #Diamondminesuggies
So its been a while since I gave a Cayden update. Cayden is the lil rejected Joey that I've raised since he was 1 day oop. Unfortunately his twin only survived a day or 2. Cayden struggled with his weight for months. He was half the size of other Joey's his age. Well this is his spoiled lil self giving his much loved kisses. He also loves belly and chin ribs.
Baby Cayden update... He was 8weeks oop yesterday. He is up to 37.2 grams. Still only eating a mix of formulas and babyfoods, yogurts. I have given him veggies to eat and he isn't touching them. I did get him to eat a cherry baking chip yesterday to celebrate him being 8 weeks old. So here he is enjoying his first cherry chip. And looking a hot mess he had not been wiped down yet. HAPPY 8 WEEKS BABY BOY
*Baby Cayden Update*
Cayden was 6 weeks old on Wednesday he has now as of this morning gained up to 21.1gr. Still very small for a 6 week old joey. He is still smaller than a joey thats less than 10 days oop. He seems to be gaining daily now but I just cant tell where hes getting any bigger. So please continue to keep him in your thoughts.
Baby Cayden update
2 days shy of 6 weeks oop. And he has lost weight the last 2 days. He is back down to 15.7gr as of this morning. Still active and alert. And has learned he likes being a bra baby. He went outside for his pics today and a short video. Keep thise throughts and prayers coming he still needs them.
Cayden Rejected joey Update. 4 weeks 5 days oop. He is up to 15.8 grams. And I know that is still tiny but for him its a big step. He has gained 1.8 gr in 5 days. It took him 4 weeks to barely gain 3.9 grams. So I'm happy with the weight gain. He is on a mix of Jo's Ensure diet and The Wombaroo rejected joey formula. He started out on Jo's Ensure diet so now he wont touch the Wombaroo formula unless I miss it with the Ensure formula. So thats what were doing. But he continues to be a great eater and is very active and alert. So as long as baby Cayden is fighting this mama will fight for him. Enjoy him having his Thursday lunch.
Rejected joey Cayden having lunch today..