Where can you find our produce? Thursday afternoons until sold out, you can find our vegetables at Sea Products, a local seafood store by Hanes Park. Fridays, you can order our produce via Let it Grow Produce (online grocery store for awesome local products) for a Saturday delivery. Tues = our CSA program! Tuesday evenings at Stella Brew. The 2023 season has begun but we've still got spots availa
ble we can pro rate. CSA
Community Supported Agriculture. Members pay up front at the beginning of the year, before the season begins which helps the farm get underway and purchase the necessary materials to make the season a success. In return, members collect a box of produce each week for 20 weeks. Each box has at least 6 different items – the box has a $25 value. Tuesdays 4-6pm, members bring the previous week’s box and pick up their vegetables at either the farm or Stella Brew.
***after a maternity break, we will be back at the farmers markets in July**
The Farm
Sungold Farm is a small, intensive vegetable and herb farm covering three acres in southeastern Forsyth County, 10 minutes from downtown Winston-Salem. The land has been well managed and productive – not your red clay, but a sandy loam with some clay loam. Most of the production is outside with a hoophouse to get an earlier start on tomatoes and lettuces. Growing Practices
Although not USDA organic certified, we are very familiar with the practices and believe that they are the best way to grow crops with flavor, nutrition, environmental health, and our own health (for both eating and working). We practice a three year crop rotation, use a lot of mulch (both hay and plastic) for weed and moisture control, use drip irrigation, plant cover crops and do not use synthetic chemical, pesticides, nor fertilizers.