The show is over and it's back to the grind.......pretty rare I see a flow this hard coming in, looking like today is going to be a good day and a good boil later this afternoon. By the end of the week we should surpass last year's total of gallons of syrup produced and start a new record for our sugar house.
Boil #12 sugar dropped considerably over the last few weeks but we gained a little back after this latest freeze up. Making some outstanding flavored dark robust.
Maple treats 🍁 are ready for this weekend! Plus so much more!!! 🍁
Putting another boil in the books. One drop at a time.
It is a beautiful day here, wonder what we are going to do today? The reverse osmosis is doing its thing, we will have another 2000 gallons plus of sap to process, I guess we are going to make some syrup! We should be rolling by 12:30 - 1:00 today if anyone wants to stop by say hello and breath in that beautiful aroma of fresh maple syrup. 🍁
Things are beginning to move in the woods with these warm temps. Looking forward to a great season.
Filtering and bottling up that sweet Bourbon Barrel Aged Maple Syrup 🍁
We would like to thank each and everyone who attended our Maine Maple Weekend open house. It is overwhelming at times to see the amount of support that comes in to help make this all work and be successful. Never in a million years would I have ever thought that a turkey cooker, my buddy Stuart and a 12 pack of beer would have ever led to this but here I am! We would also like to congratulate the two winners of the flags that where donated by Knots and Knobs here in Winterport. Tobey Langley does amazing work and is a full supporter of what we do here and for our military men and women. 100% of this weekends proceeds from the raffle are being donated to Operation Reboot here in Maine to help our military men and women get back in touch with nature and help heal. We are always humbled by being a very small part of somthing so big and knowing maybe we helped in some little way. We would like to thank the Winterport Fire and rescue for bringing there pumper / tanker truck over for the kids to look at and honk the horn 😄 they loved it!!!! Thank you everyone for joining us, hanging out, all of the kind words and encouragement, I know my mother would be so proud of where we are!! A huge thank you to family that helped, Shelley's parents, sister and brother in-law flew here from Iowa just to work this weekend so thank you Scott, Peggy, Joel Reed and Crystal Perisho Reed. Thank you to my dad Richard Knipping and Patti Parady Tewhey for all of the help and keeping things in check at the door. Shelley and I also had our second family here this weekend to help. A huge thank you to Brian Pike and Justin Littlefield for running the evaporator so I could do tours and talk with people. Thank you Ashley Mehuren Pike and Shauna Lynn for running the second table and keeping things stocked. Our son caleb and daughter Paisleigh helped at the registers and did what was needed, both did fantastic job in everything they did!! Everything went smoo
Shelley and I are very excited to let you all in on the little secret we have been.....kinda keeping. We took possession of our brand new evaporator last Tuesday and it has been all hands on deck until this morning when Richard from CDL come here to the sugar house and fired it for the first time and tuned it to perfection. Last spring we decided to make another step forward in our plan. We ordered this evaporator and a bigger reverse osmosis machine to better handle the amounts of sap we process. This will make it more efficient, easier for me for operating and cut back on labor along with making a more consistent product. Looking forward to see everyone in March for Maine Maple Weekend and to come see this amazing machine work. I threw a few more pictures in the comments.