Wondering how to include your pet in today's solar eclipse? That's easy--DON’T!
Pets do not need to go to eclipse watch parties and they hate wearing glasses. Dogs especially will mirror our behavior and look up if we are looking up and without protective eyewear, can damage their eyes. So leave them inside/home. They can keep themselves busy doing your taxes, or feeding the sourdough starter, or continuing writing that second novel which honestly is never going to be as good as their first but what are you going to do?
From the ASPCA (Health Insurance Division):
Keep your pet inside and away from the possibility of going outside for the duration of the solar eclipse. If they usually have access to a pet door to go potty, make sure they’ve had a chance to do their business and temporarily block that exit.
Cover windows, blinds, and doors to help minimize anxiety and noise from eclipse celebrations and sun exposure. They'll appreciate the safe and quiet environment.
Have a catio at home? Consider closing off access during this time.
Leave them safely restrained at home if you plan to view the eclipse outdoors. Leaving them unattended in a vehicle while observing the eclipse is also not safe.
Double-check tags to ensure they have proper identification in the event that eclipse-related noise and excitement results in flight or fleeing behavior.
Keep them calm. Stick to their usual feeding, walking, and other normal routine activities as much as possible. Create a safe, quiet environment with distractions like their favorite toys and treats.
Monitor their behaviors that may signal anxiety or other unusual activity. You can expect these to be temporary but consult your veterinarian if any concerns arise.
Finally, get everyone on the same page by communicating these precautions with family members, roommates, or pet sitters who may play a role in keeping your pet safe during the solar eclipse.
🔗: peoplem.ag/4cbEbqF
Prepare your cats and dogs and grab your glasses; a total solar eclipse is coming!
📷️: Getty