Did you know that the Cooperative – not the Town – is responsible for the operational expenses associated with the dog park? Our expenses include water, mowing and other landscaping needs, maintenance supplies, insurance and government filing fees. In 2023, these expenses were up to over $3,000. And they will be even higher this year, as the price for mowing services for 2024 has increased by over 20%.
We need to build and maintain an annual membership base that covers all operational expenses – the long-term success of the dog park is dependent upon it.
So do your part to help us to maintain a safe, clean and welcoming environment for dogs and their humans – and join or renew your membership.
We now have two membership levels: individual ($25) and household ($50). We know that the dog park is a family affair for many, so join or renew at our household level and you will be entitled to up to two voting members in the Cooperative. And while we have set membership dues, we always welcome additional contributions!
As an incentive to help us meet or exceed our goal, we have two members who have teamed up to generously offer a $1,000 donation if we have 150 new or renewed dog park members on our rolls as of September 1, 2024. The race is on!
So please take the time to go to our website Woodbridge Dog Park Cooperative and join or renew your membership today.
If you prefer to pay your membership by check, please make it out to the Woodbridge Dog Park Cooperative and mail to PO Box 3721, Woodbridge, CT 06525.