Our Story
Prince William County Dogs (PWC Dogs) Supporting K9 Gunner Memorial Dog Park, a 501 c3 charitable organization, was founded in 2011 as part of an effort to bring public off-leash playgrounds for dogs to Prince William County. Dog owners seeking opportunities to exercise their dogs could not find them locally, and so a group of citizens came together to work with the Prince William County Park Authority (now PWC Parks & Recreation) to integrate dog parks into our county park system.
In April 2013, the K-9 Gunner Memorial Park was built at 13000 Minnieville Road with the support of community donations and efforts on behalf of PWC Dogs, PWC Parks & Rec, Lake Ridge Parks & Rec Association, then-Supervisor Mike May, the PWC Board of Supervisors, and the Prince William Trails & Streams Coalition.
We continue our efforts to maintain our current park. All maintenance and upgrades to the park are supported by citizen funding. To donate to PWC Dogs, so we may continue upkeep of our park and make improvements, or for information on upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, visit www.pwcdogs.com. If you’d like to join our Facebook group please email us at [email protected].