A great way to calm down after a long play session
Some metal stimulation using ours sniffers
So thankful the puppies were here to help me shovel🤣
Play time with momma Charlie
Working on resource gaurding with the puppies. This can and should be done with other items such as bones, toys and food. I have done this several times while puppies are enjoying their bones as well as meals.
Some fun training with puppies tonight. These little training sessions help build a puppies confidence. Its important to keep it short no more than 3 mins and positive!
(Video was cut off again🤪 I am shaking a garbage bag)
🎶 Baby shark 🦈 🎶 Puppies come equipped with sharp teeth and an insatiable urge to chew. We're more than happy to oblige, providing them with tons of chew toys. It's a great way to calm them down, and we get to practice resource guarding protocols – win-win!
Crate conditioning is going fabulous with the Elves
We introduced the crates a week ago and they have already taken a few naps with the doors closed
Group manding session for lunch. They are just beginning to work on manding but you can see its a bit chaotic at the beginning and how they catch on so quickly by the end.
(Sorry for cutting some heads off, didnt have the camera set up right.)
The Elves are turning 5 weeks old tomorrow.
They have been weaning over to puppy food, mom will still nurse until they go to their homes. We hand feed them each day to learn how to take food from a hand gently.
They have been exploring new items and experiences each day.
They have been doing great with nail clippings the dremel and their first bath.
The weather here is insanely cold so they have not had near as much outside time as normal. The little time they have been out they loved it! Hoping after the arctic freeze we can get back out to play.