What a wonderful long weekend that was.
Officially Teddy and i have shown our very first competition in our home state of Washington. The WSHJA hosted a fabulous organized event at Washington State Horse Park.
On a more personal note I am EXHAUSTED.
This competition was my very first full weekend competition alone. Horse, two dogs and myself that’s it. I am so grateful for all the new friends I meet and made around the barn ales, show office and ring stewards. Everyone was so nice and extra helpful as they learned i was alone.
Selfishly I would love to give a huge shout to all my amazing California clientele, friends and family who have been so helpful for my last handful of shows. .dropsy .kikuchi_ .itis and so many more of you guys. I knew how much help your help was but now after this weekend i felt the biggest difference in my riding as my muscles were too exhausted to finish my last class course.
Doggy note- Little Man is truly understanding and loving the horse show life. They were perfect waiting in the tackroom as I was out riding. They loved hiking the new huge competition grounds as we explored and got to learn where everything was vendors, catering, show office etc.
Teddy note- I am so proud of this horse’s development. Teddy is now showing 1.15meters. Through the whole weekend we did 1.0m, 1.10m and 1.15m classes. Teddy was perfect exploring the new location and never being nervous about anything. We also got to do long stretching walk trail rides around the xcountry course.
Future note- Teddy’s owners agree to hire a groom for all his future horse shows, i will be writing up an aid and looking forward to working with someone so i have more strength and energy for the competition rides.