I couldn't have said it better....
I Am A Breeder!
My Home smells like kittens! Yes they can be stinky! This does not mean i am dirty. I clean all day, everyday, and with tons more disinfectants and cleaners than any average home!
My food receipts for my cats food bills match a family of 4
My water bill has doubled
My electric bill has tripled
My feet find the way to the kittens before I have even grabbed a cup of coffee in the morning and the kittens are my last stop before bed. I am often so busy, I forget to eat.
While my friends are week long vacations and families meet for the holidays, I am home delivering and taking care of kittens.
I haven't had a real vacation in 10 years and with no plans of being able to take one in sight.
This is a 25/8/367 way of life!
All plans are made around heat dates, queen due dates, and vet dates.
My clothes are all stained with f***l matter, urine, afterbirth or bleach
I have to remember to clean my shoes before coming back into the house because parasites can be tracked in from the bottom of your shoes.
Most of my friends breed cats - who else can you call at 3 am for support?
Who else has the experience I sometimes need, the med I sometimes need, or just an uplifting word I sometimes need ?
Who else would understand how it feels to have invested hours and hours and hours in a weak kitten to lose it?
Or the joy in investing hours and hours into one that lives?
I have slept on the floor beside a litter until the crucial first 2 weeks have passed.
I have bottle fed a litter of 9... feeding every 2 hours and it taking 90 minutes to do, for weeks at a time.
I have learned to be proficient at giving meds, microchipping, vaccinations, sub q fluids, bottle feeding and tube feeding.
My vet and his staff knows me by my voice when I call.
I am a breeder
It is to me that 63 days takes on new meaning still excited by every new life
It is I who helps my mamas deliver all their kittens! If they need me to rub their belly through the sometimes all day long process, than that’s what I do, crouched on the floor.
Happiness and sadness sometimes intermingled
Even though it increases my work load, I look forward to the 14 day stage when eyes open, and kittens begin to emerge from the helplessness of newborns.
Kitten mews, a first bath, and a heart of exploration.
I am not uneducated, unemployable, illiterate or lazy as some Animal Rights folks would imply of breeders.
I am a conscientious lover of animals and I have found my niche.
I am a breeder.
I am not raking in money while sitting on my butt.
Every penny I make, I earn through a LOT of blood, sweat and tears and mostly goes right back into ensuring the health and well-being of my Queens and King and their future kittens.
My greatest joy is a healthy kitten and a wonderful home.
The messages of thanks and the pictures of my kittens with its new family is the fringe benefits of my efforts and what keeps me going.
I am an animal lover, nurse, midwife, NICU, heavy laborer, customer service representative, and marketer.
AND I am a breeder
**Shared from another Breeder**