Jigsaw Farms

Jigsaw Farms Jigsaw Farms is 38 acres of horse heaven nestled in Woodstock/Bull Valley. Jigsaw Farms was created

When two of Jake's oldest bffs come to suprise you for a tour/ride everyone has big smiles and happy hearts. Love these ...

When two of Jake's oldest bffs come to suprise you for a tour/ride everyone has big smiles and happy hearts. Love these two young ladies! The tremendous Rosie Simoes who we have known since she is 5 - an old soul and special friend and the fabulous Jessica Kholamian who we have also had in our lives forever who brings joy and fun and laughter to every visit - good job Clara Brodjian Kholamian !! These 2 girls are forever friends of the little man. So grateful to have them in our world!! Thanks for making the time to visit us at Jigsaw Farms - can't wait for our next adventures!


Don't Miss Out!! Join Us for the party of the year!

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Who is ready to tailgate?? A fabulous day of friends and fun - check out the Polo Matches, the hounds and more highlight...

Who is ready to tailgate?? A fabulous day of friends and fun - check out the Polo Matches, the hounds and more highlights of the equestrian community in Barrington Hills- we always love this event and are proud to participate!

Sunshine and smiles! Thanks  for the company for farm check!

Sunshine and smiles! Thanks for the company for farm check!

The fabulous Mark Lyon of Lyon horses will be at Jigsaw doing private lessons! An amazing and patient teacher and traine...

The fabulous Mark Lyon of Lyon horses will be at Jigsaw doing private lessons! An amazing and patient teacher and trainer Mark and Jake have a ton of fun - let us know if you are interested in booking some time with Mark - young horses? liberty work? despook? He can do most anything!

Whelp- this one gave us all the feels - the video interview was a lovely and heartfelt representation of what so many pa...

Whelp- this one gave us all the feels - the video interview was a lovely and heartfelt representation of what so many parents feel, struggle with and ultimately fight to create for their children. It is a conversation we have had with many over the years - from original confusion over diagnosis to uncertain prognosis - through the milestones of acheivements and overcoming "obstacles" for our kids that are benign for most to the realization that when the supports go away into adulthood the world changes dramatically and requires immense work and support by families. So much of this is univeral for parents and families of special needs individuals and so hard to articulate - so ... if you have the time to check out the video (15 min or so) or read the article - please do so. It is a quick peek into the lives of many families - ours included. We are so grateful that we have Jigsaw Farms for Jake and hopefully we find him a roomate (or as he says "his wife" to share hsi world with) Well done Colin Farrell Foundation for giving voice to so many families and to the needs of our "kids"!

Colin Farrell, who is launching his foundation to support adult children who have intellectual disability through advocacy, education and innovative programs, recalls the first questions he asked the doctor after his son was diagnosed with Angelman syndrome.

Who wants to in house lease a superstar?? Kydd is THE BEST!!

Who wants to in house lease a superstar?? Kydd is THE BEST!!

Like many, it has been a crazy few months - all the ups and downs that make up people's lives seem to have been condense...

Like many, it has been a crazy few months - all the ups and downs that make up people's lives seem to have been condensed into a sort of personal chaos and stress for us. While we are forever grateful for the life we have and the blessings we encounter, occasionally the stressful things seem bigger and the roller coaster faster. That has been our 2024 so far - filled with so many joys balanced with the realities of a very complicated life. We try really hard to remember to "count our blessings" and mark the moments that bring us peace.

One such moment happened yesterday - after a LONG dreaming and building process we were granted our occupancy at "The Founder's Place" and decided to have a "family sleepover" - the McManus Men and I packed a bag, grabbed some groceries and a bottle of wine and our jammies to spend our first night in Jake's new house. It was a momentous "normal" evening. Before (and after) dinner the boys built legos and discussed their favorite video games while we cooked. We prepared Jake's favorite meal per his request, filled the house with the smell of a roasting chicken (nothing homier than that!!) and sat around the table together. It was the most "normalest" of family scenes - yet it encompassed years of hard work, sleepless nights & dreams.

After the dishes were done and the glasses topped off we headed to the deck to watch our horses in the field as the sun set. Later we took a stroll to the barn to do night check in the barn - or as Jake has dubbed it "kittie check" under the moon in our jammies - it was a lovely way to end the evening. We all awoke to the sunshine and start of the day - opening the shutters in the house to some of our favorite views - Jigsaw Farms waking up and the start of a new day. The simplest of evenings and mornings carrying the greatest weight and giving a glimpse into the promise of Jake's future. While Jake's future will not include mom and dad and favorite human - brother Matt living in the house with him - it was a lovely night for our family and one that will help us ride out the roller coaster days when we encounter them.

The glimpse into the future - Jake coming home "after work" and showering and just hanging out chillaxing - totally at ease in his home, enjoying a meal at his table with his horses playing in the fields, followed by a quiet evening doing exactly as he pleases - including a kittie cuddle at bed time before a good night's sleep in his bed with the stars and quiet embracing him. The future we only dreamed of becoming a reality.

We will hold this Milestone Moment in our hearts and be grateful for Jake and how hard he works - and we will breathe deeply as the next phase begins (whenever that is) because we can see the future and it is beautiful - Jake with his horses and kitties and the lovely people who make up Jigsaw Farms in his home - The Founder's Place - indeed!

Much love for indulging us in celebrating and commemorating this Milestone Moment!
The McManus Family

Rare Opening for PASTURE Board!! Looking for a friend to add to our gelding full time PASTURE Field - beautiful fields, ...

Rare Opening for PASTURE Board!! Looking for a friend to add to our gelding full time PASTURE Field - beautiful fields, large sheds and excellent care! A perfect spot for your boy and a wonderful barn family. Grain x2 - free choice hay all winter - access to facility and Bull Valley Riding Club Trails with membership!

Come take a tour to join our Jigsaw Family!



The Teaching of Jumping Workshop

• Coaches, instructors, riders, officials, students, supporters.

• Mentor: Mary D’Arcy, Irish National and Olympic Coach.
Elevate your skills and knowledge of the sport, of riding, of
horsemanship, and of rider safety and horse welfare.

Contact: Jennifer Howlett Rousseau, L’Esprit Equestrian,
847-501-0190 [email protected]

WOW it is hard to believe that 4 years ago in the midst of the uncertainty and chaos of Covid and lockdowns we moved in ...

WOW it is hard to believe that 4 years ago in the midst of the uncertainty and chaos of Covid and lockdowns we moved in at Jigsaw Farms with 7 horses and a few friends - we held our breath and took a leap of faith. Those friends and family who cheered us and helped us create Jigsaw are the reason we exist. Some have moved on and some continue to be a daily presence and are like a giant hug here at Jigsaw. Our family and friends - new and old are a huge part of Jigsaw's success.

We continue to be grateful for the group of people who are here with us at Jigsaw - our boarders who take all the craziness in stride - color coded aisles and pitchforks (everything in its place!) - puppies and kitties and cuddling responsibilities & rules - horses sitting on bean bags and the occasional rearing horse (on command) - and of course the "tell it like it is" reality of autism - Jake says what he thinks and if it starts with "No offense but" look out! Jake's "people" take it all in stride - usually with a smile and for that we are grateful.

We also have our amazing L'Esprit team led by Miss Jennifer who believed it was possible to build something unique and once made me cry like a baby by telling me "Of course your vision can work - every barn I ever worked at had "A Jake" - he is special in the best way" -Those sentiments held by such an influential person in our equestrian community created an atmosphere of acceptance and inclusion that is vital for those with "differences" - it should not be a big deal to be accepted for who you are but it is and for that we are forever indebted to Miss Jennifer for leading by example.

Our phenomenal staff in the barn and our Team Jake are some pretty special people as well. Our guys in the barn who work so hard to understand and communicate with Jake and work "alongside '' Jake as he learns his farm duties - they have good humor and patience not just with our horses but with Jake's particular crazy requests and sometimes persnickety critiques. Jake is quite a taskmaster and takes his Founder role seriously - we are grateful for the guys and their ability to roll with the punches! And as always Jake has found the best team of people to spend his days with and we could not do it without the lovely ladies of Jigsaw - well versed in horses, video games, Godzilla and Jurassic Park - always up for an adventure or a gentle reminder to get back to work. We are so glad Jake has such an amazing group surrounding him.

And of course we are also blessed with the support of our family (best father and brother around - grandparents - aunts and uncles - and cutest not so baby cousin) and friends of decades - near and far who cheer on the success and lift us up in the tough times - we would be lost without all of you.

BUT the true heart of Jigsaw is Jake -his passion and commitment to his horses & kitties and various other creatures passing through are what make Jigsaw unique. His view of the world keeps us all on our toes and opens the possibilities to view things with a different lens. We often find that Jake's perspective is pretty spot on - highly enlightened and usually joyful. Not a bad way to look at the world! What we have also learned in the last 4 years is that Jake attracts some pretty amazing people and he has the ability to draw out the best in others. And for that we are blessed.

We were so glad many of you could join us for the anniversary and house tour yesterday - a lovely evening of being together and enjoying eachother and Jigsaw - it's been a wild ride the last 4 years and we have accomplished much of what we dreamed and it was nice to celebrate that - but as always the question is "What's Next?" We aren't exactly sure what new challenges await us but we know we have a lot of people who are rooting for us and we are excited for the next chapters together!

Thank you again for being part of our journey!!
Michael, Stacie, Matt & The Founder - Jake

PS Can't wait for next year's 5th Anniversary- we are already planning another Jigsaw Jam!!

Gonna be super sad to see this one go - Barn favorite for sure!! Anybody need a great horse and want to keep him at Jigs...

Gonna be super sad to see this one go - Barn favorite for sure!! Anybody need a great horse and want to keep him at Jigsaw Farms ?? We would love to keep him in "the family" 🤠

A fabulous opportunity to learn and further enhance the coaching toolkit! Mary D'Arcy teaching the ECP Dressage this mor...

A fabulous opportunity to learn and further enhance the coaching toolkit! Mary D'Arcy teaching the ECP Dressage this morning with candidates and auditors! So much value in the continuing education and safety conversations!

Puppy walkers are welcome! These guys love to march around the farm, sniffing their way thru the world! Today we gave th...

Puppy walkers are welcome! These guys love to march around the farm, sniffing their way thru the world! Today we gave them a lift 1 way and they puppy walked their way back! Fun times chomping cicadas and wrestling each other! Come visit :)


Don't Miss the fabulous Mary D'Arcy!! She is an awesome instructor and a tremendous source of information. Participate as a candidate coach to grow your knowledge and start the certification process or come audit.

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Come kick your season into High Gear!! Jennifer Howlett Rousseau & L'Esprit Equestrian have a 3 Phase Schooling weekend!...

Come kick your season into High Gear!! Jennifer Howlett Rousseau & L'Esprit Equestrian have a 3 Phase Schooling weekend!! Excellent opportunity to get head into Summer!

       Checking out the fields! Lush green pastures - can't wait to open the gates!! 🤠🐎🌼

Checking out the fields! Lush green pastures - can't wait to open the gates!! 🤠🐎🌼

   's the life

's the life

Signs of Spring at Jigsaw! Never know what might be happening at the farm ... visiting trick cows, our favorite cowboy w...

Signs of Spring at Jigsaw!

Never know what might be happening at the farm ... visiting trick cows, our favorite cowboy working on a new act, trail rides and the first blooms!


L'Esprit Equestrian looks like one our hardworking Jigsaw - L'Esprit family made the list! Go Dylan and Cami!

L'Esprit Equestrian looks like one our hardworking Jigsaw - L'Esprit family made the list! Go Dylan and Cami!

USEA Names Athletes for 2024 EA21 Regional Programs

April 2nd is World Autism Day – we often say we don’t need a special day because we live it everyday -but it is a day of...

April 2nd is World Autism Day – we often say we don’t need a special day because we live it everyday -but it is a day of reflection for us.

Autism is not 1 thing – it isn’t even the same thing all the time in the same kiddo. With more than 25 years in the “Autism World” we have seen a lot and met a lot of people. We have life long friends whose children now adults have “Profound Autism” a heartbreaking reality of 24/7 assistance for life. We have friends whose children become adults with successful jobs and marriages and are “Quirky or Eccentric” but relatively indistinguishable yet still on the spectrum. And then we have Jake – his own brand of autism – functional and fun – hard working & engaging till he’s not – he lives by and with his own rules and boundaries and we are all just trying to keep up. They call it a Spectrum for a reason and there are needs and lessons from the entirety.

Our man child is 28 and we have been working and planning for his future for more than 20 years. He has done 40+ hrs a week therapy/school since he was 4 because there is always MORE to learn or a new challenge to conquer. The “What’s Next?” question is the mantra by which we live our lives. Those answers are still pretty uncertain but we know we are thrilled with Jake’s successes and his ability to rise to the challenges through hard work and stubbornness (some his - some ours) – we are thrilled with the life he is creating at Jigsaw Farms and the future it promises him – some support, some independence, friendship, employment, housing, stability – all the pieces of a life.

So while there will always be the need for MORE and the unanswered terrifying “What’s Next?” questions, today we celebrate Jake for who he is and how far he has come. This little man teaches us as much as we teach him –he is endlessly fascinating and fascinated-(we never dreamed we have so much vast knowledge of Godzilla and King Kong or so many other "enquiring minds" sort of information!) We often say he keeps us on our toes and keeps life interesting. That is for sure the truth.

We thank everyone who stands by our side near or far and cheers on Jake and our family on this journey – we thank our family and especially the McManus Men who have greater than “normal” demands on their time. It is not always easy or pretty to live in the autism world and we acknowledge the toll it can take. For you who join us we are thankful .

So today on World Autism Day we thank Jake for the journey and the love he shares with us and “his people”!

We send all our autism friends and community love and support.

The McManus Family🤠💙

It is with great sadness that we share the news of Yang's passing. Thank you to Healthy Paws Animal Hospital (Dr Megan a...

It is with great sadness that we share the news of Yang's passing. Thank you to Healthy Paws Animal Hospital (Dr Megan and her incredibly patient and sensitive staff) for their help in diagnosing and caring for Yang (and Jake) during this difficult time. After it was determined Yang's injuries were life threatening he was peacefully let go.

Life lessons and love abound at any farm and for Jake, Jigsaw is his teacher. Just a brief look at the last few days - Yang returned after a long absence and was injured. As we assessed the situation we were able to talk to Jake about possible outcomes - once the hospital was able to determine the extent of the injuries - we had a friend grab Jake to come to the hospital (thanks Brendan for jumping in to help) Jake entered the room to see Yang and began playing a variety of soothing classical music and Chinese instrumental music to honor Yang's passing and the heritage of his name. It was very special to take part in watching Jake process the loss in his unique way, sit on the floor surrounded by peaceful music and pet Yang while saying goodbye. After talking about the circle of life and the solemn goodbye and many tears Jake went home and began researching the afterlife names and traditions of different cultures. It was a walk through the world and brought him much comfort to know that no matter what you believe or where you are from there is a thread of similarity that binds us.

Thank you to all for understanding how impactful the passing of a "feral barn cat" is for our Barn Family - And thank you to Yang for being part of our Jigsaw memories.

Much love-

March 22nd?? Our new furry kitties have been waiting for Spring to venture outside. Looks like we are all gonna be waiti...

March 22nd?? Our new furry kitties have been waiting for Spring to venture outside. Looks like we are all gonna be waiting a bit longer for green grass and sunshine! Come on Mother Nature!! We are waiting for ya!!


2411 S Country Club Road
Woodstock, IL





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