Let’s talk Pet Insurance!!! I know a lot of you already have it, here’s a bit on my experience and why I haven’t regretted getting it😊 The past few years my two Aussies have been plagued with health issues. Ranging from autoimmune to cancer and then I had a few ER visits for minor things. Thankfully I do have pet insurance for all of my pups and last year alone they reimbursed me over 25,000. I didn’t have it a few years prior when my Aussie first got diagnosed with his autoimmune disease (that is preexisting and not covered) and Echo had her spinal surgery so spent over that out of pocket, so I learned the lesson the hard way😬. After that I got insurance on all of them and haven’t regretted it once. For my younger dogs, Kola, Minnie and Pea it’s about $25 a month each with a $500 deductible and they cover 90%, for my older dogs it’s between $40-55 a month with a $1000 deductible and they cover 90%. You do have to pay out of pocket and then submit to reimburse with mine which is Petsbest however I know there are some out there that pay vets directly. If anyone has good recommendations feel free to drop below in case anyone is looking for some😊