Meet Thanos! He is a beautiful male German shepherd. He will be 2 on May 26, 2024. He has been raised with small children since I brought him home. I have 3 young children that adore him, but I am recently divorced and am unable to give him the love and attention that he deserves. He was trained by Asa Anderson in a 2 week board and train program in September 2023. He is crate trained, prong collar and E collar trained, and walks great on a leash. He was raised alongside his biological brother so he has experience with other German Shepherds. He would be great in a family with children that can love him and give him the attention he deserves. He loves going to sports fields to watch games and loves going for walks! I’m not asking for any compensation for him, I just want to make sure he goes to a loving person or family that can give him an amazing life.
Please PM me if interested and I will put you in contact with Thanos’s owner.