Winter in Maine with horses…YAY!!! #brrrrr
Lovely riding by Alex Nason this morning on her own horse, “Riley”, who is learning to use his body more evenly to find a more consistent connection and better throughness. What a gorgeous Maine fall day for horseback riding! 🤩
Cool exercise for loosening your horse’s shoulders featuring the lovely Lisa Grant and adorable Mr. “Fever” 😊…
I didn’t have the impulsion or level of collection that I wanted in my test on Sunday. Beduino’s right hind felt tired, so I definitely didn’t deliver. BUT there were a couple things that were real highlights on this day at the show…
✨ I was approached by a really lovely woman that follows my page (I wish I could remember your name and find the message you sent me! 😅) and she wanted to communicate the fact that she’d seen a young horse video I had posted recently and that she was so excited about the way I was approaching the horse. She said she often sees things that she doesn’t like, and that it stood out. When she saw I was at the show she had to say hello and let me know. That meant a lot to me. When I post videos I often show part of the process and that’s not always clean, it’s sometimes messy. I show these things for learning purposes and I think that’s important. The video she was referring to is about teaching a young horse to canter under saddle. It is positive, fair, and fun. I believe in setting horses up for positive experiences. It felt really good to get recognized for that. I work hard at it. Thank you for your thoughtfulness!!! You made my day. ♥️
✨I am also COMPLETELY proud of how all three members of our team rode our horses this weekend. We managed them well. We were thoughtful about their warm-up. We were hard-working. Also, we had FUN! That is what horseback riding and competing are about. Great job, ladies! Excellent way to end the season. 🌟🏆
Video because I love my horse… He’s the cutest little nugget. 🐴✨
Always wonderful to catch up with Bill Warren, one of my favorite humans. I had another great adventure with my pony today. Thank you to Alicia Peters-Torrey & Tom Torrey for the clip and the hospitality. ♥️
🌺 Dalia (4 yr old, Friesian cross mare) is gaining confidence! I love seeing her relax into her work and trust her people and the environment around her. ✨
I finished my day guiding this lovely pair. The things I love about it…
*excellent balance, poll the highest point
*connected seat
*light contact
**I LOVE teaching bareback lessons and riding horses this way when it is appropriate to do so because it allows you to feel things about your own seat and balance that a saddle might slightly disguise or compensate for. Additionally, there is something quite beautiful about that connection. Great job, Nell & Halo ✨