What is tooth resorption?
Tooth resorption is a process by which the dentin (a hard tissue that lies beneath the enamel of the tooth) erodes and eventually becomes irreversibly destroyed. Over time, all areas of an affected tooth may become involved. In the past, tooth resorption was referred to as feline oral resorptive lesions (FORLs), feline odontoclastic resorptions, cavities, caries, cervical neck lesions, external or internal root resorptions, and cervical line erosions.
The most affected teeth are the premolars of the lower jaws (specifically the third premolars). In one study, 53% of cats had an obvious tooth resorption lesion and where no obvious lesion was noted clinically, X-rays (radiographs) revealed one almost 50% of the time.
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What causes tooth resorption?
The exact cause of tooth resorption is unknown. Diet is believed to play a role. Other factors theorized to predispose a cat to resorption include frequent vomiting, periodontal disease, and mineral excesses or deficiencies in food or water. Tooth resorption in cats refers to a specific and painful condition.
A cat's tooth showing the subtle signs of tooth resorption that may be seen on a physical exam.Once the sensitive dentin is exposed, tooth resorption is painful and manifests as muscular spasms or trembling of the jaw whenever the lesion is touched.
If your cat has tooth resorption, she may show increased salivation, oral bleeding, or difficulty eating. In many cases, without radiographic and clinical screening in an anesthetized cat, tooth resorption will go undetected, and the cat will be in pain in silence. Annual, thorough examinations are recommended for maintenance of oral health and early detection of disease.