An update post on these two fighters. Ginger has been excelling, slowly and steadily gaining weight back. It isn’t as noticeable with my IPhone 7, but she has gained muscle back and is able to move around instead of wedged under the couch too tired and sick and starving to get up. She is very chatty, adores her dads (although you can tell I’m her favorite,) and has become my little orange shadow. She’s finally warming up to our indoor cats and has drastically declined in beating them up for breathing within arms reach of her. Any and all food is hers, and no matter if you move her she’s right back in your food.
Old Man is doing good as well, he seems to be sneezing very occasionally and an old fighting wound on his ear keeps reopening as wounds often do in cats with FIV. He is still separated until further notice, and when we can afford it I’ll be trying to get a supplement that is heavily recommended to me by many FIV+ cat owners. His energy is increasing as much as it can for an older cat. If he was indoors when younger he wouldn’t be so bad health wise, but he’s been on the street for 7-9 years. His whole life. He’s very very easily spooked but is now approaching us happily for cuddles and pets on his own time. (which is a lot lmao.) We just put down some carpets for his room, and got him brand new toys that absolutely terrified and confused him and caused him to BAOOOO and run under me. Poor guy hasn’t ever had a toy before. He’s gaining weight and muscle well!! I’ll need a pet scale soon to weigh the cats that come through and monitor his weight.
All in all I’m very happy, and shocked at this transformation. I can’t wait to see what else is in store. 🖤🖤
Love, Graye 🐈⬛🐈🦎🐾