This is Shelby Rae! She is a beautiful girl who came to us for a mass on her parathyroid gland. She often wears her favorite rubber ducky pajamas to visits. After battling a sudden change in her behavior, her primary care found she actually had an elevated level of calcium. Parathyroidism can cause increased thirst and urination, muscle weakness and loss of muscle mass, lethargy, lack of appetite, vomiting, and constipation.
After removing the mass and the associated parathyroid gland, sometimes a sudden decrease in calcium is seen. Patient's undergoing a parathyroidectomy have to be closely monitored to ensure the levels do not decrease. Shelby Rae was sent home with a special port placed for frequent blood draws, and came back daily for repeat lab work to monitor those levels closely during recovery.
We are happy to report that Shelby Rae is doing great, and according to her mama is back to being a puppy again!